
I’m not sure if you missed the whole point of the TV show, but you’re supposed to be rooting for the ordinary people who are so desperate for money they’ll do almost anything for it, not the handful of rich assholes trying to exploit them.

It’s almost like they knew that Squid Game is meant to be fiction and somehow you didn’t figure that out.

You know the Squid Game isn’t real, right? And that trying to make something as close to it as you could get away with would actually be, you know, a bad thing?

That’s still a better quality ratio than DC had overall.

Best part of that background is how there’s three of the same battleship just sitting next to each other. That’s the problem with AI landscapes. It’s just a bunch of elements thrown together with no real aesthetic or sense of purpose. Good backgrounds tell a story. The only story these tell is “we didn’t feel like

Before his death in 2018, Russ Heath drew this response to Lichtenstein’s using one of his comic panels in his work. It gives a perspective which I think is pretty essential to any discussion of Lichtenstein’s work.

Just imagine the guy’s agent. “Oh noooooo my client would HATE to play one of the most popular badass action heroes in all of fiction. He would just be SO UPSET if he got to dress up as the character he’s idolized since he was in first grade. You’re gonna have to pay him a loooooooooooot of money to get him to agree

The Suicide Squad, Shazam, and The Batman are all fantastic. Aquaman and Birds of Prey were pretty good.

Okay, but have you met the X-Men? I think having serious emotional problems is pretty much an unwritten requirement to join. 

Capitalism is fucking great so long as you’re part of the minority that benefits from it and not one of the billions of forgotten human beings who have to remain impoverished, desperate, and miserable for capitalism to continue barely functioning.

Billionaires and mega corporations are driving this problem, not youtube clowns with ugly video thumbnails. Scumbags like Musk or giant companies like Nestle do more damage in an hour than MrBeast can do in a year.

“Oh dang, I feel so exploited,” said the blind child who could see for the first time in his life. “Please take my sight away again, or the capitalists win.”

Mr. Beast used his money to create organizations that could effectively lobby for breaking down the pay-walled access to this simple surgery?

What the hell, that’s actually not bad. Like, if the real Seinfeld were like 30% more surreal it wouldn’t feel out of place.

I went ahead and went to the channel, where I witnessed the following.

“So I’m at the doctor and they say I have terminal cancer, but then they say it’s okay cause they’re gonna put my brain in a robot body. And this is it! This is the robot body. You’re looking at it! Looks just like my old body, but it’s a robot. And I tell you, it takes some getting used to. I don’t eat anymore,

Let’s look at the candidates!

Now the only question is, will DC have the guts to adapt the story arc where The Authority basically fight and kill The Avengers?

Sure, but why should they? Not every superhero movie needs to be part of a bigger franchise. DC’s best stuff over the past decade were projects that just ignored the shared universe concept anyway.

Yes, but that is also why Matt Reeves’ Batman exists in the first place.