
Oops we spent too much money buying video game studios and forgot to make that money back by selling video games. Guess we’ll just have to fire everybody at the studios we just bought. The industry is so lucky to have us.

Who the hell do those ads even work on? Who goes, “Gee, I was just here to look up the name of an obscure Marvel character but sure, I’ll drop everything and watch this 7 minute unrelated auto-playing video listing the top five most cringe Star Wars droid fails.”

Yeah, the idea that the Fed is “manufacturing a recession” is libertarian horseshit. The Fed has been trying to tamp down inflation WITHOUT triggering a recession, which is a delicate balancing act, and they may very well screw it up. But so far it has worked, and we’ve even gotten some very strong economic indicators

Gotta love the optics of a rich executive whining about “cancel culture” 24 hours before cancelling the jobs of 10,000 people.

So? Is JK Rowling entitled to everyone’s $70 now? Do people no longer have the right to refuse to buy a product or else it counts as “cancelling?”

The only time when devs were “semi-anonymous” was back in very early days of the industry when game publishers forbade devs from taking credit for their work, and developers hated that situation so much that they began sneaking their names into the games without their bosses’ knowledge, which is where the first Easter

Hasbro owns Power Rangers now. Disney sold it back to Saban around 2010, and then a few years later Saban turned around and sold it to Hasbro. The Hasbro people tend to be very protective of IP so I doubt it will change hands again for a long time.

I’m willing to bet that the movie is the reason behind this whole mess. Someone at Hasbro thought “oh shit, a lot of people are going to get into D&D because of the movie. WE NEED TO EXPLOIT THEM!” and came up with this terrible new OGL which has now tanked the franchise’s reputation, and ironically might tank the

I don’t even know if this is a Brony thing, or just the unfortunate fact that almost every Hasbro movie is remarkably terrible* except for the two recent My Little Pony movies, which are both great (they’re also the only ones made by the creative team of the original show they’re based on, which probably has a lot to

The irony of an Xbox exec bragging about releasing games.

It’s funny you call me terf. The R stands for “radical” correct?

Yeah, we were all about to amend international law to make it so JK Rowling specifically would no longer have the right to express an opinion. Thank goodness whatshisname said that and saved free speech forever.

I’m seein’ double here! Four Narutos! No wait, that’s normal for him.

It sounds like it’s because this game has been in development for like four years and the voice work was recorded before Rowling went crazy. Seems like a valid explanation to me.

Jeremys Iron.

No one else seems to realize what Marvel is really up to by casting JLD. But I’m on to them. Just three more to go.

Hey, speaking of wombs, I always thought it was funny how Rowling can never stop talking about wombs, EXCEPT when Roe V Wade was overturned (by the same party that opposes trans rights, fancy that.) Suddenly 170 million people lost the right to control what happens to their wombs and JK has barely spoken a word about i

Can someone explain to me why transphobes always get so furious when someone says that? Even if you think all menstruating people are women, those terms aren’t mutually exclusive. So why is it suddenly offensive to think of a woman as a person?

Classic hatemonger tactic: cherry-pick the most seemingly innocuous thing a famous bigot has said, act as though it’s the only thing they EVER said, and then go “see? They’re so reasonable!”

So the terf definition of a woman is “a person who menstruates but also some of them don’t.” This is extremely useful, thanks.