
Why not? She’s done it before.

Uh huh. Here’s an example of one of the vile, monsterous, hateful tweets that Rowling claims counts as “hate speech” and “harassment” against her. Brace yourself, for you are about to experience PURE EVIL:

Thousands of people sending someone violent messages full of rape threats is not ok, is misogynistic regardless of their motivations

AI is being used to make discoveries in a number of scientific fields at this point.

And you’re clearly emotionally invested in defending this tech fad. The only difference between you and the people criticizing AI art is that they aren’t in denial about having emotions about it. And since they recognize and accept their emotions, they can control them. Whereas you can not, because you refuse to admit

He seems to care deeply about JK Rowling’s twitter drama so who’s to say he’s not invested in other vapid social media platforms?

Yeah, but the problem with all the thousands upon thousands of ordinary people who disagree with Rowling is that none of them are rich celebrities, so Brain couldn’t care less if they get to voice their opinions.

Because if there’s one person whose right to express her opinion is in danger, it’s the billionaire celebrity author who lives in a castle. Thank goodness someone is finally standing up for our society’s most fortunate.

“That makes absolutely no sense. For what product?”

I think the first one was slightly better, but Glass Onion gets points for being a stand-alone sequel in an era where that sort of thing is increasingly taboo.

Last Jedi is a great sequel because it remembers a time when doing a sequel meant “add something to the franchise” not “pander to your audience with 2 hours of nostalgia bait and rehashed plots.”

This post is so generic that you could make it about literally any AV Club post in history.

One of the amazing things about how badly the team behind Velma fumbled the bag is that making an adult Scooby-Doo should be super easy. Just age up the gang slightly, and have them solve murders instead of real estate scams, with more complex clues and maybe some serialization if you want. You can even keep the part

“According to you, AI is both gonna be used to replace artists, but also incredibly bad. Which is it?”

Sure, most artists start out tracing and copying the greats, but then the good ones move on from that and create their own works, their own style, their own ideas.

See, I thought Ragnarok’s story was equally dark given that it’s about how everything Thor ever loved was built on colonialism and the slaughter of countless innocent beings, to the point that he decides his own homeland doesn’t deserve to survive.

“clearly others are getting more out of it than you did.”

Yeah, except it’s not creating unique stuff, because AI “art” is completely dependent on having pre-existing art in its database to copy from. It can’t make new ideas, it just reinterprets old ones (and the result is usually worse than the original.)

Justin can’t hear you no matter how hard you simp for him.

The joke only works if the movie has something to offer beside cameos, and this one sure didn’t.