
I am very thankful that no one protested the use of computers to generate art a few decades ago”

Kickstarter is for projects. The word “project” implies some amount of work. Telling an algorithm to spit out an image copied from other people’s art is not work. Pretty straightforward.

Nah. Most of the non-Snyder DC movies were at least watchable, and several (Shazam, The Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman 1) were downright great. Black Adam doesn’t even rise to the level of “servicable popcorn stuff” (Aquaman occupies that niche pretty handily.) It’s just edgy, dull and tedious. Despite its

The Black Adam movie pretty much ignores the Shazam connection completely. It was in the original script but was cut out of the final film. Not only that, but Johnson was offered a role in Shazam 2 and said no. It seems he didn’t want Black Adam to be associated with Shazam, which is dumb since his entire character

Government should stay in its lane and not get involved in free speech or people’s personal identities and stick to minding its own damn business.

How long will he own it, though? Ever since he got booed by 18,000 people Elon’s been acting erratic. I wonder if he doesn’t just freak out, sell Twitter off, and go back to tweeting constantly without having to actually be responsible for the site’s fate.

I promise you that not even 1% of this movie’s potential audience has an opinion one way or another about “taking Cameron down a peg.” That’s just terminally online clickbait drama, it has no real impact on box office numbers, either positively or negatively. The vast majority of people aren’t aware of any Cameron

Ferngully was the better movie TBH.

Hello, and welcome to Lee Corvalo’s Putting Challenge. I am Corvalo, now choose a club.

Oh, he’s already done it, and more than one thing, too. It just takes time to file the paperwork.

I’m not saying you’re old, and I’m not saying she’s young, but the new companion’s actor was eight months old when the revived Doctor Who series began airing.

True, but all his later outfits were great, too.

As a teen I worked at a Blockbuster in the middle of nowhere, and you’d think that would mean fewer customers but it actually meant no one had anything to do so the entire town would show up at the store every Friday night. And for whatever reason, we never had more than three registers. That’s how many the store

Most societies throughout history have operated outside of anything resembling modern capitalism, actually. The system we live in now is pretty new historically speaking, and the tremendous majority of humans throughout history never experienced anything like it. I don’t expect you to research this further since

Fucking learn to make something on your own.

God, it’s like every 18 months techbros collectively pick out the scummiest, shittiest, most useless and exploitative piece of technology they can find and go “Yes, this will be our new religion, and anyone who dares question it shall be bombarded with paragraph after paragraph of the most condescending babble

I think the key difference is that Trump Steaks and the like all happened before he was President. Once you’ve been President of the United States, you’re pretty much set for life financially: if you write a book you’ll spark a bidding war among big publishers because it’s a guaranteed best seller. If you go on a

I like how he feels the need to explain what these things are since most of his base are boomers who barely know how to use email. “Very much like a baseball card!” I bet a lot of the folks who end up ordering these are going to expect to get a physical card in the mail. Once it’s explained to them that they paid $99

“Corporations don’t exist to employ people they exist to make money”

Toys in jail