
Which is why the article says “streaming *as we know it now* didn’t exist.”

The argument from the anti-art side to artists seems to be “AI crap is inevitable, give up.”

That’s funny because the NFT evangelists spent a year and change telling us that pictures of ugly monkeys did posit a clear story with useful outcomes.

LOL, “work flow.” Repeating words at a machine so it can give you an uglier version of someone else’s art is not “work.”

“Just don’t fight the inevitable” is what I heard techbros saying about NFT’s a year and a half ago.

It’s always a younger version of the character with these reboots. I think they should lean into it. Make Superman younger in each movie until you just have an entire film about Baby Superman flying around in the spaceship.

A lot of the complaints about this movie boil down to personal taste, but the one that always kills me is the laughable claim that it “ruins Luke’s character.”

There were plenty of reasons to subvert those expectations which all tie into the story the movie is telling. Luke’s whole arc is about disillusionment so he throws the lightsaber away. Ren’s arc is that he’s driven by irrational anger and resentment, not by any consistent ideology, so he kills his master Snoke. The

Breaking news, entries #3-50 have just been removed from HBO Max forever.

Listen, I’m glad this film seems to be turning out well. But I don’t care if watching this movie cures cancer, I am not sitting through anything that’s 3 hours 12 minutes long without a pause button.

I wasn’t interested in the movie before but after reading your description I kind of am now.

“You wrote off your own franchise? But why?”

There are tax writeoffs involved, but it’s a one time payout. Incredibly short-sighted given the potential these shows had.

Even less cheap since WB cancelled the fifth season after all the actors had already signed binding contracts, so now the entire cast has to be paid 100% of their salaries for the season, without any of them actually having to do anything, and with zero chance of WB ever making back a penny of that investment.

The party has entered combat. Roll for initiative...and you can spend 50 Dungeon Gems™ to GUARANTEE a roll of 17 or higher!

Looking at that will cost you $12 a month.

So not only are they intentionally turning season 1 into lost media, but they spent all the money to produce season 2 and simply refuse to show it to anyone.

I’d really like to meet the guy at Netflix who’s obsessed with pushing out all these live action anime adaptations no matter how much they fail. Who is he? What blackmail photos does he have?

My uncle who works in porn said he can’t wait to get lubed up by James Cameron!