
The DCEU doesn’t need “saving.” It was doing perfectly fine as a collection of loosely-connected, mostly standalone films which all did their own thing. Most of the post-Snyder DC movies have been hits, and almost all have been critically acclaimed. And a big key to their success was that they didn’t care about

“How Black Adam managed to not keep its cameo a secret.”


Counterpoint: Real-life Charles is also a piece of crap and a TV show mildly inconveniencing billionaire parasites is perhaps the single most trivial problem in the entire world

Elon Musk has never been fair to anyone else so honestly we should return the favor and treat him the same.

Mostly the parents who can’t shut up about Jesus.

“What if we just made a good superhero movie, and then we made another good superhero movie, and we don’t worry about whether or not the heroes are all friends because crossovers aren’t special anymo-”

I’m not sure what Johnson changed, exactly. By my recollection he changed very little; Abrams set up a bunch of stuff with no intention of paying it off himself (which is kind of how he writes everything) and left it to the next guy to resolve those plotlines. Well, Johnson did what he was hired to do and resolved

This game has “gamestop discount bin” written all over it. Just wait a year or so and you’ll be able to pick it up for a song.

Reviews aren’t a race, even though many mediocre sites treat them as such.

I too am offended that this video game news site insists on publishing video game news.

In fact, most of DC’s films during his tenure were hits, and the lineup was far more critically successful than DC’s Snyder-era films. I quite liked that DC was willing to just do standalone films which all felt like they had their own identities.

I was really only interested in seeing this because it’s technically a spinoff of Shazam (one of DC’s best films ever) but from the ads and reviews it looks like the movie ignores this connection completely. That feels like a mistake to me. Hell, the whole point of Black Adam initially was that he was Shazam’s

Red Hulk was kind of Jeph Loeb’s pet character anyway. He’s become much less prominent since Loeb left the company, and I don’t think Marvel’s top brass really care about this version of the character.

These days they just retroactively label anything that fails as “woke.” Doesn’t matter what it was actually like.

Mr. The Stampede, I don’t feel so good...

Note: Milly Thompson died on the way back to her home planet.

Nah. Elon isn’t nearly as smart as he thinks he is, but I think he’s at least smart enough to recognize the Lex Luthor Principle.

The press coverage isn’t there to hurt him, it’s because he’s an important figure with a tremendous amount of completely unearned power and influence and people have a right to know what people with that kind of power are doing.

Yeah, but the last time the X-Men WEREN’T convoluted was roughly 40 years ago. At this point it’s almost a part of the brand.