
Imagine being Sora and having to listen to Donald Duck say stuff like this without subtitles.

*coin sound*

It’s impossible not to have fun at any party that Madisynn is invited to.

It really shows how some people just can’t move their minds past shallow stereotypes, too. Your first impression of Madisynn is supposed to be that she’s a dumb, helpless one-off character who’s probably about to die. She then spends the entire episode proving every expectation about her wrong, without changing her

Ah yes, Joffery Baratheon, a brutal tyrant who tortured a woman to death with a crossbow, and Ramsey Bolton, a rapist who skinned people alive. Exactly the moral equivalent of a lady whose greatest crime is spoiling a Sopranos episode.

Yeah, the part where she’s friends with a magical wizard was almost as realistic as the part where she was teleported to Hell. This show is basically a documentary.

Madisynn is actually more like Jean Ralphio’s sister, because she has never done anything wrong, in her life.

She just randomly dropped into a hell dimension and come out of it not only completely unharmed, but holding a goblin heart. She did that in one evening, meanwhile it took every Marvel hero five years and two movies to beat one purple bald guy. Madisynn is more competent than most of the Avengers, and those guys were

Rogue Squadron — probably dead.”

It’s been three years since Rise of Skywalker. Here is a list of all the Star Wars movies which currently have release dates:

Not to mention that the cartoon came before the film.

Their plan to bridge that gap was to bring some popular Youtubers into the network itself, but they didn’t quite know what to do with them because the two formats just don’t fit well together.

Ahoy mateys! Looks like ol’ Gold Throne Liz is sleepin’ with the fishes! Arrr! If I was in England and I wrote this joke on a sign I could be arrested! Yar!

I mean, real talk: using the Batman characters to draw attention to your otherwise unrelated drama film is exactly how WB made a billion dollars from their own Joker movie.

Tell us more about how the gays have oppressed you.

Why do they call it wishing when you of in the cold star of out hot eat the wish?

Eh, that message sounds like the sort of pretentious buzzword pileup that artists think of after the fact to make a project seem more deep than it is. I’m not sure what the opposite of his message would even be but it would probably be equally insincere.

So Riley has new emotions now as a result of being a teenager? I will now accept casting submissions for a Pixar character named Horny.