
Look, the comic is always going to be generally better because these stories were very much written for the comic format. That’s why they’re such classics, they take advantage of the medium’s combination of prose and imagery like few comic stories ever have. A TV show can have imagery, but not prose (not without

“What I did recall from the graphic novels is that they sometimes seem to want to veer into shock for shock’s sake, and I’m actually relieved that the show takes on similar issues without veering into gratuitous shock value.”

The black and white coloring postulates a nightmare reality where we’ve had Funco Pops longer than we’ve had color photography.

Plenty of brands said nothing and none of them are being mocked because everyone is busy making fun of the brands who did say something.

Thank you. I dunno why people need everything to be Avengers Endgame. The best Marvel game of the generation was Insomniac’s Spider-Man, and that one benefits from ignoring the existence of every other superhero.

“Well said! You alone shall be spared!”

The Asian parts were doing just fine before the British Empire crapped all over them, so the Brits accomplished basically nothing there in the long term. Next?

It’s the last Venture Bros project ever so I’m fine with them taking as long as they need to get it just right.

Cultural genocide is a real, serious thing, and it’s not something as trivial as “they’re making too many superhero movies.” And that’s an especially silly take coming from a guy whose most famous film is about superhero movies (and stars the actor who headlined what is arguably the first modern superhero film.)

All someone needs to do is point out to Scrooge that if everyone in town gets amnesia he’ll have no customers, and he’ll switch into Adventure Mode and fix everything himself. He’s saved the world from worse things than this!

Uh huh.

Your imaginary video did not help. Also, Fox News is owned by Fox Corporation, a company which was formed in 2019 out of the Fox assets which Disney did not buy. Disney has never owned Fox News and never has, no matter how badly you wish they did.

Why don’t you just program some NPC’s into your game who can populate the world or walk back and forth? You know, the way games have been doing for decades now?

“Hork blork freedum ofs peach”

Holy crap dude, could you maybe not try to equate a man’s death with some momentary forum drama over a talking pickle cartoon?

My hope is that they’re preparing a proper tribute for him, rather than just a standard obit, which would take time to write and would probably go up at the start of the news day tomorrow.

I suppose that when you provide services to cybercrime rings, scammers, and Hamas, it’s important to keep a low profile, and suddenly DDos-Guard’s name was all over the internet thanks solely to their association with Kiwifarms. The smart move was to cut off KF as soon as possible so they could go back to operating

Yeah, that’s what people said when 8chan and Daily Stormer got kicked offline. What actually happened is that when they came back they struggled to regain even 5% of their previous popularity.

Oh, stop. Let people celebrate things.