
Somehow, Palpatine returned. It happened in Fortnite.

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Utterly shocked to discover that an organization that seemed designed to suck all the fun out of video gaming and replace it with dead-eyed grind culture horseshit (complete with the requisite forced enthusiasm and empty displays of wealth) turned out to be predatory.

The Last Jedi is the only Star Wars film in the sequel trilogy with any new ideas, and that’s exactly why nostalgia-obsessed regressive nerds hate it (and why the much larger general audience loved it.) There’s a strain of radical positivity that runs throughout that movie, of hopefulness in the face of terrifying

You should really learn what the term “edgelord” means before you use it.

“People claim every gender nonconforming character is trans.”

This is like watching one of those old music videos from the 80's or 90's which were extremely of their era and look super dated now. The ones where you go, “wow, is that what people thought was cool back then?”

As if JK Rowling would ever pass up a chance to get attention.

So they haven’t indicated which Super Sentai show they’ll be using footage from yet (the days when they just went in chronological order seem to be long gone) but from all this space talk it’s very likely to be 2019's Kyuranger, which took place in space and featured a large team made up of both humans and aliens.

Buddy, I know people who were saying back in 2003 that Bridget was obviously trans, with their evidence being the same backstory she had back then. Your interpretation of her story is not the only valid one.

Yeah, when Fox News devotes 40 stories a night to complaining about the latest millionaire celebrity who got “cancelled” for saying the n-word onstage or whatever, they are totally doing it out of concern for “left-of-center activists.”


Honestly, the TV cartoon was better, because it didn’t take the whole thing so seriously. It understood that Buzz Lightyear is meant to be a cheesy B-movie spaceman, which is why Buzz acts so ridiculous throughout the first half of Toy Story 1 (before he realizes he’s just a toy and develops his own personality.)

He has...(oh God) A PLAN!

“Stop saying cancel culture isn’t real just because we keep having to chance the definition of the term since it never seems to line up with reality!”

The original 90's Batman/Spawn crossover was absolutely bonkers. DC and Image each published their own titles, which had no story connection to each other and were radically different interpretations of the characters.

I think he varies it just enough so that they sound like individual characters while still sounding like Keith David. It’s subtle, but that’s part of his genius. Dr. Facilier, King Andrias, Captain Anderson and Goliath the Gargoyle all sound like different individuals but they also all sound like Keith David

I love that this is what you’re mad about and not the fact that Kiwifarms has literally caused people to commit suicide. “Killing people is no biggie, but how DARE YOU try and inconvenience a company!”

Except now with Batgirl they will recover zero dollars in box office. You are clearly confused as to what’s going on here.

I’ve seen this, it’s just slowed-down footage of a donkey farting. They played us all for fools.