
Gerry Duggan has been on fire lately, so much so that for the first time in my life I’m actually planning to read an Iron Man comic. Wild times.

In my experience, “It’s a business” is what shitty managers (and people who make excuses for them) say when they need to excuse toxic, incompetent performance. Everyone knows it’s a business. That is not the issue.

That’s it right there. It’s not just that the Discovery execs want to make money, they want to make money with the *least amount of effort possible.* If you told these guys that they could make twice as much but would have to actually put in the effort of making quality content, they wouldn’t do it. Too much work.

Well, of course it’s not realistic. It’s not realistic because Zaslav has shown he doesn’t have any integrity or sense of accountability. It’s not realistic because corporate parasites like himself will destroy a thousand people’s livelihoods before they allow themselves to make a single dollar less. It’s not

I don’t think it’s the goal, but that is the inevitable result of this kind of fuckery.

And yet he hasn’t reduced his $246 million salary by a single penny. I’ll believe he’s taking this debt seriously when he starts slashing that.

Time to post this again.

What they’ll probably do is just cancel his shows instead, since they tend to be pretty expensive to produce.

Given your avatar I am shocked that you didn’t recognize that me not using his actual name was a Simpsons reference.

Your right, it isn’t about quality - it is about money.”

The New York Times, coming in through the window: Here’s why this is terrible news for Joe Biden.

If I asked an AI to generate a picture based on the phrase “accused of sexual harassment” it would create that exact guy.

I can’t wait until they introduce Prince That Guy Who Made Sound Effects, Lord of House Beep Beep Tweet Whoooooooooop

Nice try, that’s clearly a Pokemon.

If his reasoning for erasing shows is “we had to pay residuals,” then he really doesn’t care about quality, because whether or not you have to pay residuals is a contractual matter which has nothing to do with how good a show is.

The fact that he’s removing critically-acclaimed shows and films from distribution and replacing them with reality show slop kind of blows a hole in the “eye on quality” theory.

They can’t pop up on other services; not unless the reports of the shows being written off are incorrect. Legally, a show that’s written off can’t be used as a source of revenue for its owner ever again.

This sounds like an excellent argument against mergers.

All I’m hearing from this post is “I didn’t personally watch these shows therefore it’s okay to prevent people from ever watching them again.”