
At this point you would need to pay me to sign up for the service. The assumption with streaming services owned by studios is that while the licensed content might go away, the stuff owned by the studio is there forever.

Assuming WB doesn’t pull all those shows tomorrow.

Sadly these are the same studio vice presidents who have the authority to kill these shows. And obviously, destroying the hard work of hundreds of talented people is preferable to one exec being unable to afford his 10th summer home.

The creator of the show is on Twitter, where he’s openly encouraging people to pirate it.

There is actually a Young Justice comic running right now, which takes place after season 4. It’s called Young Justice: Targets and is by the same creative team as the show.

Just today HBO Max announced it was removing over 30 series, most of them animated. Like YJ, most are owned by WB itself.

Someone should explain to that idiot Zaslav that buying up a company that owns a ton of valuable IP’s is only profitable if you don’t cancel all those IP’s.

Don’t forget the petty insults leveled at animation at the Academy Awards this year.

Ah, I see that this discussion has finally reached the “what if a dying child’s last wish was to say the n-word” level of bullshit hypotheticals. Took longer than I thought, honestly.

I’d hate to be a Final Fantasy developer these days. I just get the feeling that these are people who spend, like, half a year crafting a battle system or balancing a skill tree and then some executive shows up and says “we need you to change it so that every time the player wants to cast a spell he has to buy an NFT.”

That need to “adapt to industry trends” thing is exactly the problem. Final Fantasy used to CREATE industry trends, not mindlessly chase them. But now they’ve got Square-Enix management breathing down their necks demanding that they integrate every new fad into their games, which robs them of their identity.

Yeah, don’t care. Homophobes and bigots don’t deserve the privilege of polite debate or thoughtful criticism. Exactly zero thought goes into their hateful beliefs and their cruelty toward queer people, so why should we be all polite and respectful toward them?

Someone who goes through a video game and mods out any rainbow flags because he’s scared of catching Gay from them is not someone who is interested in, or deserves, constructive criticism.

My money’s on Snoop, he looks like he knows how to set up big multi-line scores.

Jennifer would’ve eventually started acknowledging the onscreen boxes and arguing with the unseen editor who was writing them, which would’ve been a cool/clever conceit (if extremely Deadpool)“

The short-lived sitcom Trial and Error actually managed to pull this off. It was about a rookie lawyer at a quirky law firm, but the twist was that each season was a single serialized trial where he had to defend a client who was falsely accused of murder, with the witnesses often being played by various guest

Oh shit, some 80 year old boomer managed to wander in here by mistake.

Do you just wander the internet making the most predictable and generic comments possible, or....?

But they were able to hire people who successfully conveyed the theme that Matt Murdock is a terrible lawyer. Not sure if they intended to, but they did.

At least he has a long career ahead of him appearing in right-wing boomer memes on Facebook.