
It’s good to know that the Academy will always do the right thing...after half a century, and once all the people who encouraged them to do the wrong thing have died.

Where do you think the term “Terf” comes from? IT COMES FROM TERFS. THEY INVENTED IT. They wore it proudly for YEARS. The fact that they now consider a “slur” just shows what an embarrassment their “movement” has become. They’re ashamed of themselves, and they should be. The Terf brand is toxic and they have no one

Rushdie didn’t just get death threats, SOMEONE ACTUALLY TRIED TO MURDER HIM. There’s a difference between getting mean tweets and actually getting stabbed by someone.

Entitled bigots like Rowling tend to consider any disagreement with their views to be equal to a “death threat,” so by her standards she probably does.

Just because Terfs constantly play victim for attention doesn’t mean they’re in any actual danger.

Finally, someone is standing up for the most vulnerable people in our society: billionaires who control major media franchises.

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Don’t forget that thing where MS made you jump through a bunch of hoops just to share your game with a friend.

And you can trace a lot of the Playstation brand’s success to Sony buying companies like Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch and Insomniac.

Miyazaki’s first film and one of the best adventure movies ever made.

Why are almost all these episodes from the last couple of years? There’s a lot of older episodes that really hold up.

13 men and one woman? I’ve seen movies like that.

I don’t see why they would do this, it’s needlessly convoluted and would make the special less interesting. The fun of bringing back an old Doctor is that you get to see him interact with the current one! You can’t do that if the Doctor turns into an old incarnation.

I mean, my ideal Doctor Who is asexual but that ship sailed decades ago. People usually point to the 9th Doctor kissing Rose as the moment that line was crossed, but as far back as Tom Baker’s 4th Doctor there was strong sexual tension between him and his companion Romana (although she was a fellow Time Lord so the

Why are you still explaining this to us like we’re five year olds. I get all this. I know what an incredulous situation is. Everyone does. But there are more (and less annoying) ways to respond to an incredulous situation than to begin talking like an ironic 14 year old from 2002. Shock, or fear, or wonder, or

“almost as if there are entire massive groups of players that like the system and game and dont read enthusiast blogs”

Dude, look at that photo. He touched Walt and Jesse and THEY turned to gold.

Yeah, you really don’t need to explain that to us. The fact that she’s not from this world is explained pretty clearly in the trailer, and it’s also one of the most common tropes in genre fiction.

I think it just comes off as trying too hard to be hip. Like the dialog feels really at odds with the gameplay footage, to the point that it almost feels like a parody dub.

It really is amazing to me how horribly mismanaged the Superman brand has been. At this moment superheroes are probably more popular than they ever will be for the rest of our lives, and the owners of the SINGLE MOST FAMOUS SUPERHERO IN THE WORLD, have no fucking idea what to do with him.

It’s insane that swatting laws aren’t standard everywhere by now. It’s not even a new phenomenon anymore. The first documented use of the term by the FBI dates back to 2008.