
“It’s only gay if there’s kissing” is a weird rule that you just made up on the spot since your argument had no merit otherwise, but whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better, son.

 Special guest star Rupaul, holding back tears: I TOLD YOU TO SLAY, QUEEN, NOT ENSLAVE, QUEEN!

That all depends on whether or not we’re having brunch that day.

In the 50's they had an actual congressional hearing where the star witness argued that Batman and Robin were gay lovers and Wonder Woman was lesbian propaganda, but okay.

No, what they want is universal healthcare. Maybe you were too busy being a generic edgy teenager to notice, but it’s kinda been a big issue for a few decades now.

It’s a game company which promised its employees in writing that it would provide them with healthcare and now they’re too chickenshit to keep their word.

I think the problem is that D+ so far has hyped its streaming shows as big events, and what they discovered is that if you have two big events at the same time, one of them inevitably feels like the undercard. People get excited for one and it diminishes excitement for the other. Obi-Wan was always going to be a

I don’t think so, because every other D+ show is released this way. If the drip feed was hurting viewership then Ms. Marvel would be getting the same numbers as everyone. I think a big factor was that Disney cannibalized its own audience by releasing it at the same time as Obi-Wan. They probably hoped the show’s

Remember when the word “Clickbait” meant something other than “an article I disagree with?”

One of the secrets of OP’s longevity is that its story arcs all feel distinct from each other and have clear and satisfying end points. In other words, in practice One Piece doesn’t feel like one gigantic series but like several smaller ones, which all have elements which feed into a larger story.

No (nor did they have to) but he’s clearly quite pleased with it.

And hell, even Pokemon Go was initially just a rebranded version of their first game, Ingress. This company has had one idea and they seem determined to just repeat it over and over again with new IP’s.

Pokemon Go was uniquely suited for the AR format because there are now multiple generations of people who grew up fantasizing about traveling around their hometowns and catching those little fuckers. And Go’s big pitch was that you really could sort of do that! But there’s not really any other franchise that lends

“his whole PR image at the time was satanism”

TP came out on the Gamecube after the dev team had another four years to learn their way around the hardware. That makes a huge difference in terms of what can be done.

Aidy Bryant, of course!

They can remove the filibuster; they could do it today. 48 of the 50 needed votes are already there. But they are being blocked by two senators who think the stupid filibuster is more important than anything else.

“Name a more iconic duo”


Yeah, poverty can’t possibly exist in the same place where there’s ukuleles.