
Don’t worry about Roy, he’s moving into his own apartment with two sexy ladies.

“we aren’t going to see Kamala as Ms. Marvel until the last scene of the last episode.”

My first thought was the Nega-Bands, too, as someone who was a fan of the henshin-hero style Captain Marvel who preceded Carol Danvers. Will Kamala be able to clap them together to summon her costume?

Perhaps, but they’ve already tied them to a different Marvel franchise which has nothing to do with the Inhumans. Seems like it would over-complicate things to throw the Inhumans in there now.

A man came up to me, and we’re seeing this all over the country, a man came up to me and said, “YOU SEE THEO, WHEN I WAS A BOY ME AND MY FIVE JAZZ GRANDPAS USED TO EAT THE JELLO PUDDIN’ POPS.”

Having the Clan Destine show up is one hell of a deep cut; I think the last time they showed up anywhere in the comics was a quick cameo or two more than a decade ago. A forgotten bit a Marvel history, they were a wealthy family of immortals with Djinn ancestry (the patriarch, a European explorer, married a Djinn

There’s probably a 30 Rock joke in here somewhere about NBC refusing to let people leave the building even when they no longer work there.

They should have set this up by having Legolas look at an orc in the movies and go “wow, you guys suck now. Can’t believe how much you’ve let yourselves go. 8 million years ago, when I was a baby, you guys used to be cool.” Then he and Gimli kiss.

Adding an extra Simpson family member with no explanation? Like everything else in life, The Simpsons already did this.

I think you could, but it would probably get a lot less attention than this. The joke with Graggle is how obviously fake and out of place he is.

Calm down. The point isn’t that they star straight white characters, it’s that when these movies fail, no one goes “DUUUUH CLEARLY IT FAILED BECAUSE AUDIENCES ARE TIRED OF WHITE STRAIGHT CHARACTERS.” Because that would be a ridiculous thing to say. But when a movie starring any other group fails, that’s always the

What the hell are you babbling about? If a kid sees a chaste smooch between two women and instantly starts asking about SCISSORING, then they are well past the point where a lesbian kiss is going to surprise or confuse them.

I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re not wrong. Honestly it feels like the framing device of “this is a movie Andy saw before Toy Story 1!” was tacked-on after the fact to avoid confusing the audience, and the Pixar team wasn’t thinking of it when making the film.

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The biggest culprit in this debacle is the outdated Hollywood perception that audiences are obsessed with celebrity and simply won’t go see a movie unless there’s a famous name you can stick above the logo.

Chris Melendrari’s first meeting of the day:

What if Mario only said a few one-liners like in the games? What if, like the games, the story was told mostly through wordless action and pantomime with minimal dialogue, thus eliminating the need for gimmicky celebrity voices and actually producing something closer to the spirit of the source material?

The incursions would be much more interesting than Kang (who I found obnoxious when he appeared in Loki) anyway.

There are other options beside Crazy Space Cult and Crazy Homophobic Cult, you know.

Oh yeah, Andy has a dog, too! Those toys shouldn’t stand a chance!

You’ll be eating your words once Pixar releases its secret weapon: a little sequel called The Even Better Dinosaur.