
I mean, that worked because people have been struggling to understand Donald Duck for 80 years and so it was funny to have his voice replaced (for one episode) with an actor who has a smooth and pleasant-sounding voice. I don’t think it would work with almost anyone other character.

From DiMaggio’s comments it seems like a big motivator was their attachment to the characters and not wanting to have them voiced by someone else. I can definitely believe they would agree to be underpaid rather than have Disney hand their legacy to a bunch of impersonators.

If it isn’t a huge money maker then why are they spending money to make more?

Rey falling in love with a fascist who tortured her was a pretty gross (and thoroughly out of character) way to end things. Also the forced, desperate attempt to connect Rey to an Important Star Wars Family by making her Palpatine’s granddaughter was just embarrassing. It feels like a checklist of bad fanfic ideas


Also, his girlfriend dumped him for a trans woman and like a week later Elon went full right-wing transphobe. All his beliefs are determined by who hurt his feelings most recently.

There’s nothing innovative about a mediocre rich brat throwing regular tantrums on Twitter. We used to have an entire presidency which revolved around that.

Yeah, a lot of those things were shitty, too. Do you have a point?

Being opposed to predatory fun-killing game mechanics designed to scam children out of money is a bit different from defending harassment.

Top Gun isn’t even in 2nd place for highest opening this year. That spot goes to The Batman, which beat Top Gun’s opening by around $20 million. So superheroes in general are doing just fine.

Downton Abbey in the Multiverse of Polite Dinnertime Conversation.

The appeal is nostalgia for the 80's and its particular brand of hyper-patriotic jingoism.

Yeah, everyone knows that the best jokes are the ones that you have to explain afterwards.

Me, as I’m beating a random old lady with a bat: It’s okay, everyone, I’m just PLAYING an asshole. This is a comedy beating. You should be laughing. If you don’t laugh you hate freedom of speech.

And if you do watch anything they do, Netflix will cancel it anyway.

And attacking pronouns is a very common way of going after trans people. You can’t make a “play on pronouns” and then pretend that doesn’t connect directly to the rights of trans people (and nonbinary people, and queer people in general.)

“At Chappelles best, he is thoughtful and smart.”

I think maybe Seth is feeling nostalgic for the days when he was Fox’s golden boy. He sure had no problem being on the network back when he had four different shows running on there at the same time.

If he doesn’t do any of that stuff, it’s by choice. He owns the company that makes the shows. He could improve them if he wants to, he just doesn’t give a shit.