
I honestly want to see the One Piece adaption just because I’m curious how the hell they’re going to adapt it. One Piece is a series that is at once incredibly cartoony and surprisingly complex, and honestly I’m not sure it’s possible to film it in live action without it feeling like something completely different.


“In 1961, the Soviet Union became the first country to invent Erotic Violence.”

“You’re not allowed to enjoy a joke that’s at the expense of a $10 billion movie studio” is an interesting hill for you to be dying on.

So all the people who turned a blind eye to years of sexism and sexual harassment get a big pay raise, and the victims get a tiny one. Yeah, that’ll help morale.

Because if they actually let you own those games, then they couldn’t sell the exact same games to you again when their next console rolls around.

You know a meme is dead when the giant company that produced the media it originated from becomes aware of it.

The animation for Beauty and the Beast’s title song is iconic and amazing (and still holds up today despite using CGI that’s now 30 years out of date) but the song itself is amazingly bland for a Disney title number. It’s just kind of slow and generic.

The cover image looks like a collection of rejected Doctor Who incarnations.

Probably because I was obviously making a snarky one-liner (like 2/3rds of the comments on this site) and not writing a scientific paper. And now you’re on your third post of being angry about it because you can’t take a joke (although I did provide plenty of evidence in another post in this same thread, because there

So they’re trying to do A Christmas Story but with 80's nostalgia instead of 40's nostalgia. It’s a bold strategy, Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for them.

What the hell is this guy talking about? All I did was point out that him looking at trick or treaters doesn’t equate to scientific research and now he’s trying to psychoanalyze me.

Imagine working for half a year to code a system that nobody noticed existed for 20 years.

Well, now we know what his face looks like, two and a half seasons early! Series ruined.

You’d think they would give him a downward stomp attack at least. Even Kirby has one!

“Your personal anecdotal experiences mean nothing! But MY personal anecdotal experiences are absolute proof of whatever I want them to be!”

A big part of it boils down to the type of kid that the Potter novels appealed to (not just people who enjoyed the books or movies casually, but those who became big fans.) The first novel is about an emotionally abused, misunderstood kid who feels out of place in the world and whose parental figures don’t understand

“by a group of people who mostly don’t give a shit about Harry Potter?”

Childless or not, adults who were kids in the 90's - early 2000's are the perfect people to discuss this because they were the target audience for HP back when it was a bona fide phenomenon. Whereas modern kids mostly seem to regard it as a nostalgia property or something their millenial cousins are way too obsessed

If an artist is so unpopular that he’s starving, then him selling his work as an NFT isn’t going to magically make him wealthy. People like to babble about how NFT’s will somehow “help artists,” but the only artists who’ve made money on them are ones who are already hugely wealthy and popular. Like most fads, it’s