
Tom, here’s your next column: Figure out what the LEAST successful major film (that is to say, the movie that lost the most money when accounting for budget vs gross) of each year is since whatever year those records are easily available for. Call the column Bombs Away or something like that. Give Av Club readers the

If you want to have a real discussion about theaters, we need to stop pretending that they have some sort of inherit “magic” to them or that seeing a film anyplace else is automatically an inferior experience. We need to acknowledge that movie theaters exist because of technological limitations that existed when

I lived that nightmare back in the late 90's.

Host: Congratulations, you’ve won with the biggest single-day total in the history of the show! Once this episode airs, you’ll be world famous!

Me: Thank you, unexpected Jeopardy guest host Saddam Hussein.

Dr. Hutchinson would actually work really well since she has a hook hand and is half-insane. Her Final Smash would be to summon her husband Filbert and their many children to just curbstomp the opponents in a big cloud of violence.

Sharon Who Is In Second Place: Let’s go with...Geography for $500, Alex Skull.

If your website turns a blind eye to hate speech, then bigots will flock there until hate speech inevitably becomes the point of your website. No need to get cranky over Kotaku pointing out what 4chan has turned into.

Um, there is no “real Llewyn Davis.” He’s a fictional character based on a number of different folk singers. And while Amadeus does arguably misrepresent Salieri’s actual reputation as a composer, he’s also been dead for 200 years. I feel like that’s a bit different from erasing the accomplishments of a living person

Too dangerous. Contestants might make a pun between his name and the phrase “buzz in with your response.” It would be chaos.

Let’s make it a true daily double.

Fun fact: The previous exec producers of Jeopardy, Harry Friedman and Steven Mosko, had established a plan almost a decade ago for bringing in a new host with ease and dignity once Alex’s time came. Mosko actually kept a short list of potential candidates by his phone (this began after Trebek suffered a heart

No, but a lot of these fuckers definitely regard their customers with the same respect as animals.

“I want narrative payoffs and answers to mysteries”

Where is Rocko, you cowards.

If anyone doubts that Shera 2018 was a huge success, maybe they should ask themselves why just three years after its release, the MOTU franchise has gone from being dormant for decades to having at least three separate projects in the works. No one makes multiple spinoffs of a show that bombed.

As someone who was also in the original target audience, let me just say: the 80's have been over for a long time, bro. Time to move on, and get rid of that victim complex while you’re at it.

It’s for executives who see the numbers Marvel movies are doing and seem to think the key to success is to remake every cartoon in live action (yes, Marvel wasn’t originally animated, but I’m pretty sure that nuance is lost on the type of people who think the world needs an edgy live action reboot of Powerpuff Girls.)

The previous Nick crossover game, Nickelodeon Kart Racers (from a different developer) was criticized for this exact reason. Hopefully All-Star Brawl is a bit less cheap with the voices than that game was. I mean, Nick has hours and hours of archived voicework from each of these characters, so there’s no shortage of

Finally! *Has sex with Steam.*

I must break you.

I can’t wait for NBA 2K3. The disc will cost $70, and sources confirm that when you boot up the game, you get a text window that reads “Unlock title screen $80.”