
Ironically, the “B” stands for Basketball.

I hate the way they brought her back, too. They just decided that the May who died in #400 was an imposter who the Green Goblin hired to mess with Peter, and the real Aunt May was alive all along. Which retcons the whole beautiful story into a cheap farce. “Watch Spider-Man mourn the death of some random old lady

Knuckles: Actually, guys, if more people are complaining about He-Man whiners than about He-Man, then it so follows that most people liked the He-Man reboot and the whiners are a minority. It doesn’t mean you’re not allowed your opinion, it just means your opinion is extremely unpopular.

So what if he never hosts a show again? He’s not a host, he’s an executive, which is already a very well paying job. No one is entitled to host their own game show (though Richards obviously thought he was when he gave himself the job despite audiences finding him dull and bland.) Besides, a basic part of his job is

Ha ha, yeah, because bad movies based on popular franchises never make money, right? Right?

I mean, they initially gave Richards the job, so at this point you might actually be overqualified for the position.

What the hell are you talking about? This article is specifically about him NOT losing an employment opportunity.

Well, the answer is likely to be yes and no. Robotech aired on the original weekday afternoon incarnation of Toonami, and as a 90's kid I became pretty obsessed with it for a couple of months. But...thanks to the massive tangle of conflicting copyright claims that tied up Robotech’s rights for decades (a legal

-Santa Claus in that one M&M commercial that plays every damn year.

Answer the Call also had excellent advanced screening reviews, but it turned out to be mediocre. So this doesn’t actually prove anything. Advanced screening reviews are almost always glowingly positive because the studios hand-pick critics who they know will be receptive to that particular type of film, and soften

You’ll be eating your words when he develops superpowers! My data confirms that, much like Ant-Man, he’ll be able to grow to an incredible size!

Or I could pay $0 for some X-rays and a full year of other medical coverage, like people in nearly every other wealthy country do.

I think it’s fun to get invested in a story for the long haul and see how it evolves over time. It gives the audience the opportunity to analyze and speculate, and it gives the creator a chance to really do a deep dive into a created world. The amount of detail put into the worldbuilding of HxH and One Piece is

Yeah, Togashi’s art is still good, but it takes him a long time to really complete a page. This is why when the manga does get published in Jump, the pages are often just rough sketches. To see the finished artwork, you have to buy the collected edition:

Oh no, you might have to look at a black person when you watch a TV show. Oh no.

It’s too bad you don’t like anime because Firefly is just Diet Outlaw Star.

Talk radio is a big reason why the right is the intellectual garbage dump it is today. “Eight hours of leftist talk radio” sounds like a fantastic way to turn leftism into a similarly anti-intellectual embarrassment. We can do a lot fucking better than that.

Dude, if your opinion had been well-stated the first time around, you wouldn’t have needed to make a half-dozen highly defensive, multi-paragraph posts where you do this “here’s what I REALLY meant” routine. Time to take the L.

You probably should have read the comic (or this article.) Last line of this issue is Wanda herself saying, “I am not dead.”

Better luck next time.

What laws has Bernie gotten passed, you say?