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From now on, a “true Daily Double” means you get hit with two pies at once.

Just ask Snake if he has a spare bandana.

Bernie: Passes actual laws.
Piker: Plays amongus or whatever while parroting socialist memes and occasionally saying edgy stuff for clicks.

I think we can do a little better than “very competent.” Especially when the competence is coming from a generic charisma-free exec who loathes women. Gotta say, it’s funny to be lectured about “standards” by a guy whose standards for a game show host don’t even include “does not hate half the contestants.”

If only Trebek had suggested someone to succeed him...OH WAIT HE DID, AND THE PRODUCERS HAVEN’T EVEN CONSIDERED HER.

With this move, Onlyfans is also opting out of being profitable.

Richards, on the other hand, has no experience acting OR hosting game shows. Plenty of experience being a gross creep, though!

True, but if the other Transformers movies didn’t exist, Bumblebee would still be a great time.

Hey now, product shilling in superhero movies is a proud American tradition.

No seriously, I saw the 1989 Batman movie for the first time in ages over the weekend, and this is like the third line of dialogue in the movie:

Yeah, isn’t it crazy that they’d rather play as a literal king with actual supowerpowers than as two randos who have all the powers of someone who bought an archery set at Target.

Skynet’s final plan was to trick everyone’s aunts into thinking vaccines don’t work. It didn’t even need robots this time.

It’s amazing how Superwholock dominated Tumblr for a couple of years and then very quickly just turned into a laughingstock. I’m on Tumblr pretty often but I don’t think I’ve seen a single Superwholock post in like five years that wasn’t a parody of the fandom or otherwise intended ironically. Almost all the original,

Stripped of all its pretenses, fandom is just a group of people enjoying something together. There’s nothing inherently toxic about that. The problem is that it’s a convenient setting for garbage people to inflict their bullshit on those around them.

Would be interested in seeing her video. The whole Antiship wars thing is absurd and seems to just have gotten worse over time. It used to be “I don’t like this fictional pairing because it’s out of character,” now it’s “supporting this fictional pairing makes you the moral equivalent to a child molester, somehow.”

You get to keep some power ups, like Darkness, which you can use to unlock permanent buffs, and keys, which you use to unlock new weapons. That way there’s always a sense of progress. Not to mention the complex story and your relationships with various characters evolves throughout the game. There’s way more

That’s what the word “furry” means, so yes.

The basic appeal of Jeopardy is that anyone, from whatever walk of life, can win so long as they have the knowledge and skill. And nothing exemplifies that more than our new host, who rejected a bunch of more talented people and then gave himself this job.

See, now if Robin were named host of Jeopardy I’d be down for it.

Yeah, it’s called “Broth of the Weird.”

But keep in mind, these are mostly re-releases of games most people didn’t get to play, thanks to the Wii U being such a flop (Skyward Sword being the exception.)