
It’s weird how both female-led MCU films are flashback movies taking place in the past.

Oh hi, are you from the alternate dimension where shitty movies don’t make lots of money? Wow, it must be so weird for you here on our planet.

The creative point: Better animation, three-to-four times more runtime to tell a story in, and an excuse to go bigger with your ideas than you would in a normal episode of the show.

This is a really good point. In real life, sometimes it’s easier and more beneficial to be an asshole, so people end up doing it even if they wouldn’t be otherwise inclined to. In Mass Effect, the game is set up so Renegades and Paragons are equally powerful. This was done to make it so you aren’t incentivized toward

Yeah, and Legion isn’t even the only mutant who could do it. Proteus can alter reality, and in fact he does it every single time the Five resurrect a mutant. He could absolutely just tweak reality so Wanda is a mutant now and then bring her back using the usual method.

Hong Kong Phooey is there, you just can’t see him because he’s QUICKER THAN THE HUMAN EYE.

If you’re not watching the new seasons then why do you care if they make more or not?

It’s my favorite recurring AV Club character, Bobby Chicago!

Of course the ratings have been going down for years. The ratings for *every* network show have been going down for years. That’s the age of streaming for you.

Me. I asked for CH Greenblat to get another show to run because he’s a genius.

Uh oh, judging from some of these comments, we’ve just stepped into...

Who knows what adventures the Simpsons will have between now and when the show becomes unprofitable?

This would be an interesting direction for Wanda, because as a mutant she would be legally welcome on Krakoa and eligible for citizenship, but she’s perhaps the most hated person alive in Krakoan culture. There’ve been repeated scenes of Exodus teaching the children of the island about Mutant heritage and setting up

As much as I gripe about Adult Swim sometimes (cancelling the Venture Brothers right before its final season are you fucking kidding me) I’m willing to cut them a mountain of slack for rescuing Tuca and Bertie. This show is a treasure.

She has all the powers of the police, and she also has the power to throw her purse at people. It’s right there in her name: PursePolice. Except she spelled it wrong.

A GLOW fighting game. It could have been a reality. You blew it, Netflix. You destroyed everything.

I can’t be the only person who saw that headline image and immediately thought of David Xanatos.

For the same reason we engage emotionally with any fictional character?

The original headline was better.