
It’s a PR move. The young women mentioned have no business being anywhere near an F3 car.

Well, F1 has:
- one American team (Haas; with an American owner and a *sort-of* American team principal, who used to also be team principal for Jaguar/Ford - another American team)
- one American CEO (McLaren)
- one American team principal (Aston Martin)

The problem is that Gene doesn’t have much to offer beyond the entry license. Any buyer would have to invest heavily in infrastructure and personnel to actually build their own car in-house.

You picked the wrong season to make that comment.

I don’t really understand how you have enjoyed them, since nothing happened in the sprint races except for two bad Hamilton starts and a great Alonso one.

Here is my idea for a compromise: How about having pole position be decided by qualifying but pole position only? The rest of grid can duke it out in the sprint race. What else is the point?

Not that it makes it any more logical, but it’s an F2 picture.

I mean, that might not even be true. Regardless, those cars are so slow compared to the series they’d like to compare themselves with that ‘faster race cars are better race cars’ seems like a silly one-liner that you don’t actually believe yourself.

Isn’t that statement in direct conflict with your love for Formula E?

You’re a funny guy.

He needs to do something. A pathetic average of 2 million viewers in his home nation.

25 years have passed, and yet I’m still torn on whether Skeet Ulrich is the best or worst stage name I’ve ever heard.

For $2000 you could fly to Doha, get a half-decent hotel for the weekend and get a weekend ticket opposite pitlane.

‘Just’ is subjective, I guess.

Not sure where you’re located but don’t forget Montreal could also be an option. Since it’s basically on an island within the city, and it’s a smaller and flatter track than COTA, it’s pretty easy to navigate and get in and out of.

If only there was a third race, say, just north of the border.

I disagree; he’s making Mick look pretty good.

Just because Hamilton had a better getaway, doesn’t mean it’s the better line. Almost all F1 tracks have the pole position on the outside, because that’s usually where the racing line is. Imola, Monaco and Spa are the only exceptions, unless I’m forgetting one.

True, and that’s an amazing stat from an amazing driver. But apart from 2009 and 2018, his teammates have also won at least one race every season he’s been in F1. Which does show that he’s been fortunate with the kind of cars he’s been driving.

How long does he need though? What if he’s already got the car figured out and this is what it is? Not counting the weather-affected qualy sessions this season; Perez was on average 0.452s off Verstappen in the first 7 qualifying sessions, while being 0.454s in the most recent 7.