
That fact that he didn’t speaks volume about Mick’s reputation within F1. He’s also doing fairly doing poorly in WEC with only 1 points out of Alpine’s 25 points tally.

Trackhouse is a satellite Aprilia team, not Ducati. Don’t know about other Americans but you clearly couldn’t care less if you can’t get even such basic facts straight. Anyway, I’d rate the chances of this deal being approved by the regulator as less than 50 percent. The fact that UK isn’t in the EU anymore couldn’t

Seargeant is also one of the least talented drivers in the series though, this has to be said. If the team’s objective is to maximise points, this is a reasonable strategy

Yes you can, and the power works both ways. I have had underlings initiate relationships, then later threaten to go to HR (light blackmail) when I wanted to end it.

Count went to 3 yesterday, not that the Houthis care about innocent lives nor genocide (as long as it’s against a race they hate) if you look at their history and their slogan (not going to quote here as some parts would qualify as hate speech, but very easy to find on with a search online).

Uhhh ... they just killed two people last night.

First of all, it’s EXTREMELY difficult to make one of these cars reliable. All of the teams should be congratulated on achieving reliability.

He basically HAS to say that he’s exploring Mercedes. It’s the biggest bargaining thing he could do right now. Red Bull cannot lose him, and Mercedes would love someone of his level. Both would go into a massive bidding war for him.

I completely agree - it doesn’t take too many of these instances to make RBR management completely take him out of consideration for sending him up to the big leagues. Danny knows this for sure. Although I don’t really think there was ever much likelihood of it happening - they know what he’s like already.

There really wasn’t much point in swapping back although Daniel said if he’d been asked to do so he wouldn’t have had a problem. It’s not surprising that the team didn’t ask him to do so though, given there was no difference for the team; there were no points for either driver; that Yuki had a tantrum on the radio and

No matter what Horner did or not, it should be made clear that the magazine “business F1" being quote here has had a long and documented history of posting some really questionable, sexist and false stories

i mean, all high-speed-flying-dildo humor aside, the end result shot is pretty goddamned awesome

I understand that Ford brings big money for powertrain development but they need Red Bull more than Red Bull needs them. RB has more than proven they have the in-house expertise to provide results without any outside help if needed. I’ve also heard that in Horner and Newey’s contacts it is written in that if one

It’s interesting to note that some news agencies are calling this “inappropriate controlling behaviour” instead of just “inappropriate behaviour”
I’m wondering if that word was added or removed...

While I agree, had he not done it, the people would be coming for his head. I am certain he is sorry and at the end of the day it was a tragic accident. Dogs, and especially puppies, can unfortunately be unpredictable. I had one run full speed into my passenger door as I was driving through my neighborhood.

Here’s the dealio. FOM and Liberty Media want to make money.

It was always obvious they weren’t going to approve Andretti until a new Concorde Agreement can be drafted, under which the revised new team entry fee will be $1 billion.

It’s their whole model. It made sense to get the team up and running but at some point you have to move on from having critical operations spread across 3 countries and a network of external partners

Manholes were secured, the point of failure was the surface surrounding them.

That’s a strange take considering F1 is acting as the promoter for the Vegas race and invested a lot of its own money instead in this project.