
“If you think it’s too dangerous then go home and cut your lawn and leave us to it.”

He hates his team and he’s leaving anyway. Yamaha have had engine issues all season, why not screw them over by making them look bad with a blown engine?

He’s done at Yamaha. I hope they’re going to get Crutchlow on that bike for the next races (after Austria) and then swap with Morbidelli after he comes back from injury.

True, but people who made the jump usually did so in their twenties, not their fourties.

Would he be interested to be there only for his marketing value, though?

The Gulf 12 hour race is not a major event, though. Particularly the Bahrain one, which had a grand total of 12 cars. That’s including a bunch of GT4’s. Rossi wasn’t even the quickest guy on his team (Luca Marini was…) and while ending up on the podium, they really only beat one other GT3-AM on pace to get there.

Baku doesn’t suck.

To make cars go really quickly around a racetrack, not to create an unnecessarily complex fuel tank (which they’re not allowed to change anyway).

Ed Harris will never live that one down.

Who would want to drive a fucking Cadillac anyway?

They’re not. They’re driving on Antarctica.

Funny, I thought we were talking about current lap times.

Because FE went to the full Monaco track this season (with a marginally slower chicane but a marginally quicker first sector, making it very easily comparible) we do know exactly how slow they are.

The light system you’re suggesting would require a marshall to pinpoint a car that’s losing control and then in a matter of tenths of a second to put up the right color and arrows light AND THEN for drivers to react to colors and arrows in that same split second while navigating Eau Rouge.

Light systems have been in use for years.

A light system is already in place, but your suggestion won’t work. The problem isn’t cars that come over the hill 10 seconds after a crash, it’s the ones that are right behind it. There’s no time to react to something like that.

Speeds are probably too high for that. There’s no netting system that would withstand such force, and if there were, they’d be causing more issues than they’d solve. Regardless, there’s no room for that in that area anyway.

I like that you’re using Grosjean, F1’s crashiest driver of the last decade, as an example of not overdriving and showing good judgment.

It would mean some heavy trackwork, but flattening the hill behind it and making the tire barrier straighter like the black line below should already help a lot. There’s a kink in the tire barrier which is causing most of the issues. Hit well before that kink, and the car generally stops after a big impact. Go past

I think it was the right move to make. If he hadn’t, he would’ve probably pitted anyway about 10 laps later and Lewis would’ve moved ahead without losing any time. Covering the undercut was the only way they could conceivably ‘block’ Lewis for a bit and cost him time. Given Verstappen’s pace, they were never going to