Jacob Singer

It's a really weird looking ship, to be honest.

And how he casually high-fived his injured knee.

My blessings are counted in all the extra days the book readers have to squirm compared to us poor dumb show watchers. Hahahahahaha……

Resevoir Dogs in space.

Free bullets & beer! And more importantly, more Drummer.

Yeah, I know. I kinda wanted maybe a couple minutes of ship v ship carnage. Torpedoes, railguns, the works.

Yeah, she's a boxer, not a kicker. They should've drilled her for a few months on MMA kicking & kept it to a minimum. Should've been choreographed to her natural skillset.

She's a boxer, not a kickboxer. The choreographed scene demanded the footwork of some kind of theatrical WUSHU bullshit artist. Or they could've just worked with Frankie to concoct some realistic scene in which she KO's them with a minimum of fuss.

Thanks. Good to know. Got some googling to do.

Or Budget Iron Man.

Nuclear warheads are only toxic if they're detonated or poorly constructed.

The Protomolecule project is called Project Caliban. It's shown on Cpt. Marten's tablet, which Draper steals before defecting. I think Caliban is originally a mythological figure of some kind.

That's not a bad gig at all.

Okay, first the nit-picks out of the way:
1. No epic UN-Mars battle above Ganymede.
2. Still no resolution to Mao/Errinwright situation.
3. Since it's a finale I felt a 2 hr ep was appropriate, just to touch base with some of the other characters ( F.Johnson, Drummer, Dawes., etc.) It would've also given Mao more time

"So…wow. That protomolecule has no respect for the laws of physics OR thermodynamics."

Yeah, his teacher must've been Ridley Scott,lol.

Goodbye Adam Savage-portrayed character. We hardly knew you.

It was doing a 1G burn the whole time. The drive plume is a very subdued dark blue. Easy to miss the first time.

Wait….how the fuck did Cotyar just shoot 4 people right now? Smart bullets??

Have you not heard of the Corbomite Maneuver? It's required reading in…like….everything involving space combat. Just ask Bill Shatner.