Jacob Singer

Apparently anything programmable is within her reach. But servomechanisms like the guns just don’t give her enough to work with (specifically data collected), so her control is less exact.

They will inevitably bring Maeve, Hector, and Armistice back next season—they all but directly told us so by showing their bodies and then saying “hey Felix and Sylvester, figure out which ones can be salvaged!”

This (the critiques I knew were coming as I watched the episode) reminds me of coming here year after year - and watching the same people shit on every episode of GOT.

My first thought was: what the hell did I just watch? Those were also my second and third thoughts. After a night of sleep and some Reddit help, I’ve got the following:


Free will is an illusion humans invented to make ourselves feel better—in reality, we’re all just passengers, moving from point to point until we die.”

Just going to note that, you know, the movie that this show is based on really isn’t a great flick. Tends to be more than a little overrated. 

So the “surprises” you wanted weren’t the ones you got, Zack?

That was a nice touch with Tilly’s tears, being unable to run down her cheeks, they simply pooled around her eyeballs.

There is a way to do it and maintain continuity — simply replace your brain, in situ, piece by piece, or neuron by neuron, even, over a period of time. There would be no point in time where a copy exists — it would simply be your consciousness being gradually transferred from a flesh and blood matrix to a more robust

Man, this place grades on a really hard curve for this show.

They blowed him real good.

That’s exactly correct. The security department’s tactics were appropriate for what they expected and they were mostly successful. SMG’s clearly aren’t the best weapon, but it makes sense that they would only carry small arms. Their normal role would require them to blend in with the other hosts and guests discretely

No, you are in fact the snob, just the snob in a different way. You intimate that you have specific knowledge that makes you able to perceive that “Westworld” is a fraud in a way that the “straights” cannot.