Jacob Singer

I wouldn’t mind him showing up in a body cast.

I have a short list of things Kinja can eat. 

Now playing

William’s misfire came from the shotgun barrel in the middle of the LeMat revolver:

I’m pretty sure Dolores is back in her own body.  The occupant of Hale’s body is a mystery but she did take 5 pearls with her, including Bernard.  Let the offseason theories begin...

WE saw the real thing happening.  Future William sees a loop.  A literal prison of his own sins. 

The Dolores body is a perfect cover for real Dolores because Delos corp. have constantly used her to entertain guests at parties & such.  Nothing wrong with a robotic personal assistant.  The question is who now inhabits the Hale body?

It was fine, aged cheese which goes good with a hoppy ale. 

So...….Lawnmower Hosts? I’d think the best way to hide them would be in plain site. If they’re distributed across everything they’d register as noise close up, which slyly repurposes the phrase “Doesn’t look like anything to me.”.

Yeah I saw an ep of some space documentary on the science channel & an astronaut’s eyes started tearing up for some reason & he had to find his way back to the airlock because of low oxygen, which was getting increasingly difficult due to the blob of tears in his eyes. It almost killed him.

Teddy’s sentient reaction is the dangerous instability that the techie warned Dolores about. To be fully aware of what you once were with no way to get it back universally drives sentient beings to madness or suicide.

Thank you. I’ve been contemplating that very idea for a while & have wondered why no one has brought that up in all of reddit or youtube. I like the idea of an “auxiliary brain” grafted onto the biological brain with memories & skillsets gradually migrating over while you’re fully conscious. Old parts of the brain

I’m still agnostic as to whether it was the protomolecule ( or the alien builders ) that wiped out those star systems, or if it was them then whether or not it was self-defense. For all we know it could simply be younger civilizations using the ring network to hunt each other into extinction with the original builders

That’s how you slow down in space.

B-b-but Maeve is the good one & Dolores is eeeeevil......

I honestly don’t see why they can’t reprogram Teddy back to——oh that’s right they killed the fucking programmer. Oh well.

There’s no way that’s just a simple memory lapse.

Yeah, he pretty much just had his sliders adjusted. Survival, aggression, Bulk Apperception all maxed out. Empathy, timidity minimized.

There’s no reason for him not to remember it, especially since he was awake when they did it. They only forget maintenance when the techs wipe their memories.

Here’s my stab at it. ( Pun fully intended)

The reason why I initially disagreed with that take was because he JUST got control of the launch codes earlier & when he DID launch it seemed like he just drew up the page & hit the big RETURN. Maybe it’s the fault of the screenplay/editing but my IMPRESSION was that the targets were already PRE-DETERMINED according