Jacob Singer

Shades of the douchebag jock(s) we all knew in high school.

Railguns are awesome. They're pretty neat now, in their embryonic state. But the real nerdgasm is in their potential. Gawd they're terrifying.

He was home schooled, after all.

His goals were:

Those little shits. I swear.

I don't think you'd have many takers. It's all pointing to her being the hybrid.

And then Cotyar's near face-palm at her. "Noob."

You know, there's an outside chance that Errinwright was trying to get Avasarala off the hook while she's on an unfriendly vessel. By painting her out to not be an ally of himself that gives Mao's people no reason to kill her outright. It's just a passing theory talked about on Reddit but it is kind of interesting.

I've said this before but she's not necessarily fighting for Earth per se.

They really do have great chemistry & banter together. Their scene in the blue "RV" ship ( it looks like an RV from the inside ) was among my favorite of the episode.

Who says she's switching all the way to Earth? It could be she knows Avasarala & her overlap somewhat in their goals. They both want the protomolecule conspiracy stopped & in particular Bobby wants all involved to be brought to justice for what they did to her squad. That doesn't mean she's waving the UN flag.

Alex Kamal
Bobbie Draper

Weird thing is that they're all the same age. It's like a track meet.
Edit: Duh, why wouldn't they be,hah.

Or worse. She's got what amounts to illegal content in her skull. If she has a modicum of street smarts, then she figures she's dead before she gets to Mars.

It's either that or have them trudge around the frozen wasteleand of Ganymede for way too long. They need to wrap this shit up in time for the finale.

I had a couple of delicious pork chops today & I could not get Mr. Poopybutthole out of my mind. Pork chops were his last meal before getting shot. ( sob..boohoo ).

To be clear, though.she's not turning her back on Mars itself. Only what she sees as the cancer that has infected her beloved MCM. She is honor bound to oppose those who would piss on her fellow marines that died in the line of duty, even if it's coming from above. I think she's still a proud Martian to the core.

Well, as a Belter & former OPA member she may have some tricks up her sleeve and/or some obscure contacts all over the Belt that could help get the Somnambulist off Ganymede. She was able to hack into another ship's airlock after all. Who knows what she's ultimately capable of.

I've been really impressed with Frankie Adam's acting over the last two episodes: Her wavering in the hearing, her torturous walk through the homeless camp & especially her long, loving look at the ocean. That last scene in particular kinda got to me. There was so much in her eyes & face in that scene. It was a

My understanding is she wants to get as many people off of Ganymede a possible. Regardless of whether they stop the protomolecule or not, the people on that moon will keep dying at an accelerated rate, so she figures she might as well try saving some lives. It's seeing things from a different angle than Holden's,