Jacob Singer

Nah, you gotta see some of his 90's stuff. And his quieter moments in general.

So then Arnold & his associates had a 5 year head start on erasing all records of him. If you accept that the story is in a future that's cured all disease & introduced sentient robots, then very sophisticated data manipulation methods should also be plausible.

Over caffeinated robot.

That thought recently occurred to me. In Dolores's flashbacks there's clearly a massacre of employees that took place 30-35 yrs ago. Using Maeve to raise an army & purge Westworld could be done under the guise of another "Critical failure".

One thing that kind of flashes by in this episode is that there is very clearly a massacre of employees at some point in the past. If it's concurrent with Arnold's death then there's lots of living witnesses eliminated.

No one's a rockstar until they produce a finished product & it sells out. Arnold died before that could happen. Even his code is buried under Ford's code & so Ford becomes the rockstar. Also, & I've said this before——Ford had help in scrubbing his records. The data manipulation of the future is more formidable

In the church she only wore the dress when Armitage was present. In the underground facility ( Young William era ) there was a blonde host in a room, but I couldn't make out who it was.

That's where the futuristic data manipulation comes in. It sounds like a stretch today, but this takes place in the future. Maybe the whole thing was an obscure startup before Delos arrived. He did say in ep. 3 that his "business partners" scrubbed Arnold's records. So he definitely had help doing it.

You speak about none of this being plausible. Are you a Westworld engineer? Neither am I. The best we can do is INFER the cause & effect of what's being placed before us. The show is obviously telling us that either:

He's a lot nicer when he's drunk.

His dummy calls the shots.

Not if they're well oiled & lubricated.

Not 30 years ago. Also, the new hosts are only white & stringy until they get injected with blood. See ep. 6.

He is looking more & more like a fatality in the making.

Maeve was around in Westworld's Beta days. Therefore she saw the real Arnold. ( Ford said he'd spent lots of time with the hosts.) She'd see present day Bernard & figure that he was a simulacrum. Another strong possibility is that she was able to access the memory of Bernard glitching out after he couldn't process

Personally, I'd prefer that the ability to replace people with undetectable duplicates who are superior to humans REMAIN IN THE FUCKING PARK.

Very subtle discernment of the voice. Like how you can tell if someone's talking to you when you're not looking at him. On the other hand, maybe it only works WITH eye contact? I'd have to watch more scenes to check.

Fair enough. This is honestly my first time with it since I haven't actually watched Lost. I really wanted to binge it but I never got around to it. I think I'm lucky,lol.

I thought about Bernard's invulnerability to commands & I'm thinking the commands only affect you if they're clearly directed at you. It doesn't trigger anything if it's meant for someone else. A host's brain will recognize the difference. But still, it does seem risky. I dunno, maybe Ford can turn off that

I'll say again: The only person that knows what Arnold looked like is Ford. As far as when stuff is happening, there's a ton of posts below going in great depth about the three time periods. But in a nutshell:
1. 35 yrs ago: Westworld is in Beta. The hosts are still 1st gen robots being perfected. This is when