Jacob Singer

Yeah I guess not either, since the only person who knows what Arnold looked like is Ford.

Not really. Because no one at Delos knows what Arnold looked like.

She could control Bernard because ultimately he's still running in a narrative loop. A very, very long one, but still a loop. Maeve's admin. privileges allow her to control any host running in a narrative loop. The hosts that were re-tasked to apprehend her were taken out of their loop & put under special control by

I thought his choice of Forrest Whitaker was clever. They're both quirky actors of great subtlety who do critically acclaimed work & they're both of similar build. I can see how they could sort of blur together in the back of someone's mind, like the way Jeff Daniels & Bill Pullman become the same good natured white

Maeve dates back to Westworld Beta, but from the scenes with Felix & Sylvester we know that she's all organic now. I don't see any logical reason for the park not updating Dolores or any other host, especially when it's a cost-saving measure. ( The only exceptions being Ford's robot family, which is off the books )

And pretty lean in his salad days.

Hipster priorities.

Well, his rationalization is that he can make them forget the bad stuff. He really believes that sentience is overrated as hell.


God damn hosts…..takin' mah job….

Well played, sir.

In baseball parks the workers have to go out, grab all the bases, smooth out & wet down the infield from all the dents from slides & the pitcher digging holes on the mound. Then they have to repair the divots on the outfield from all those diving catches. Then they have to manicure, fertilize & water the lawns,

He's pissed off. Notice the argument he gets in with Arnold seconds later.

Delos came in 5 years after Arnold died. Bernard was created many years after even that. Look at Anthony Hopkin's appearance when Bernard gets up from the wheelchair. Compare it to his much younger appearance in the flashback from 35 years back. There's decades of time difference.

Yeah, definitely. I think when the park was in Beta, the hosts started hearing the Bicameral voices, so they kind of worked some religious angle into their narrative & they went to church to talk to God/Arnold.

Yeah, this show has asserted that it's the CODE that matters more than the hardware as far as consciousness goes. If her code is intact it could easily move from silicon to wetware & still be her.

Definitely. William really knows how to work that knife. I guess that's the "million perfect parts" line from the MIB.

They never make it that far. The hosts kill each other first.

So he can make a point about something eventually. He probably has a picture of his uncle & dog just in case.