Jacob Singer

I wouldn't be surprised if she could read lips perfectly with all her stats bumped up.

They have a prequel. It's called Beavis and Butthead.

We'll know when she can wave her fingers & freeze everyone.

That one Wyatt goon looked like a straight up monster. Bullets didn't do shit. Is that body armor or a really low pain setting?

That was Ford's call. He really liked Maeve & decided a memory wipe & new narrative should do the trick. He didn't realize his update a year later would re-open that wound.

The physical differences between William & MIB are not so important as the growing similarities in personality. 30 years is a long time for any number of physical things to happen to someone.

Their brains are wetware, which is a kind of organic brain. They might have little electronic devices embedded in them, hence the little beeping noises.

Well, yes. And yes it is a bad idea. But it'll be fun!

Everyone else as a host is gratuitous. But Bernard plays a VERY specific & important role in Ford's empire. He is the only programmer—-human or otherwise——capable of making the hosts practically real. Ford hasn't come out and said it but the only other programmer close to him was probably Arnold. He NEEDS Bernard

Well, yeah. If not A then B. But then again it could be Jodie Foster in a cameo appearance.

She's tied up in the Scooby Doo Mystery Van.

Wyatt once shot a man for snoring. I swear I hear that every time Teddy starts talking about him.

Or farting up a storm.

That's just a hunch of mine. We've literally never seen them ingest anything but water & liquor. Some fan made a faux email about two Delos employees wondering if their manager was a host because all he ever ate was jello & water,lol.

So does Elsie, Theresa, Stubbs &……oh shit maybe they're all hosts.

All the old places have the old logo & active areas have \W/.

I was right about Theresa's head injuries being explained as a fatal fall on her head. And indirectly right about him not wanting to copy Theresa & send her out of the park. Did not see Bernard getting his memory wiped. I'll probably be wrong about Felix & Sylvester being ordered by Delos to play along with Maeve.

I think she was able to hack the tablet somehow & have part of it embedded in her voice. Not all of it's functions but enough to re-write narratives.

I wonder if Charlotte got the memo about hosts exploding once they leave the park. Would be a shame to see Sizemore's brilliant narrative work on Mr Abernathy's train ride literally go up in flames.

Yeah at first I wasn't sure if Maeve simply had a 20 charisma but it does sound like she's re-writing their narrative right there on the spot. The only solid piece of MIB's puzzle this week is that he really wants to commit suicide by Westworld. And yeah, the bullet velocity thing is mentioned briefly in their terms