Jacob Singer

Ford might not have to cover for Theresa's death. She had her head punched against a wall. To a coroner it could read as falling head first on some rocks. Strangulation would've been impossible to hide.

I don't mean literally flesh & blood Arnold. I mean that Arnold either uploaded his consciousness or a copy of himself into Westworld's cloud. Or he embedded his voice into the Bicameral programming.

This is pretty good:

Am I being turned into a monster? OH NOES!!!

Bernard could've been hacked by Arnold to continue his work with Dolores.

It's hard to gauge her relationship with Teddy. How much "time"—-in her mind——-has she spent with him? The back story might only indicate a few months for all we know. The relationship couldn't have been all that memorable since it was scripted & sorta resembled a LIfetime Channel movie. I get the strong impression

I thought about the nitro glycerin & I google imaged it but all I've ever seen is a clear liquid. I'm no expert, though. Especially on how it would change color when circulated through a body. Who knows.

"Doesn't look like anything to me."

More & more I'm starting to see it that way, too.

If the body in the morgue is Theresa then the host being made has to be someone else. It's kind of troubling since it's a small body & the only character who's small enough & possibly dead is Elsie.

Anyone notice the milky white fluid coming out of Slim's ears & eyes? ( He's the dead horse rider loaded with nitro & exploded by Lawrence ).

Who says he turns that way right away? 30 years is a long time. It could be a very gradual slide from White Hat to Black Hat. In the 2nd episode he recalled how he'd spent years adventuring with Lawrence. His description of those times didn't sound particularly evil. But he has seen the hosts die & respawn

I think it goes off into the outside world. If some hosts escape & Delos is successful in getting Ford's technology outside the park that could easily go 5 seasons. There could also be a huge shakeup & rebuild of the park itself.

I still can't tell if that's Theresa or Elsie's body in the morgue. Whatever Bernard does it's gonna take all the episodes to unfold. He's in a tough spot.

No. The maze was probably created by Arnold. Whether it's a program embedded in the brains of the hosts or an actual physical place remains to be seen.

It's been stated on the website's fictional terms & conditions that the weapons & ammo use a proprietary technology involving velocity.

The two most heartbreaking moments of HBO in 2016 involve a door.

We're all waiting for that other shoe to drop. ;)

It's gonna take some clever editing & artful screenplay to make it all work. The finale is 90 minutes, I think.

Okay, gotcha. But man, those unwashed masses sure did something crazy a few nights ago.