Jacob Singer

Nah, most people are just taking a break from it. It's only been discussed a couple million times.

It's getting more & more credible. When William made the comment that the park helped you find the deepest part of yourself it's almost like the embryonic version of the MIB's quest for the "deeper truth" to the park.

It was very Gus Fring-like.

That would be hilarious.

His wife is LAUREN. Which is an anagram of UNREAL.

They don't really need to be hosts for it to work. But after last night, who the hell knows anymore.

Maybe cosmetic surgery in the future is a magnitude better because they've mastered stem cell use? And augmented it with nanotech? And maybe the best work is still very expensive & only someone like Charlotte could afford it. And someone like Ford refuses to indulge in that.

New theory on Felix, Sylvester & Maeve: Felix told Theresa early on about Maeve. Theresa, on Delos' orders told Sly & Felix to play along with her. Delos WANTS her to escape the park.

Who he shows him is irrelevant. There cannot be a picture of the REAL Arnold (presumably who Bernard is based on) ANYWHERE on the premises. He could show him a picture of Ron Howard & say that was Arnold.

I think they want to pull a Futureworld. They want to replace influential people with programmable hosts & control the world.

I'm thinking that was an artistic choice from Joy & Nolan. It's disturbingly similar to a lobotomy. Makes me cringe to see it.

That's the whole point of the show. They're not mechanical terminator bots. They're biological beings who have been assembled by a bio printer instead of a womb, but they're every bit as sentient as us.

And now that her intelligence is maxed out, she's smart enough to make all the right dominoes fall in place to make that happen.

Because no one can ever see a true picture of Arnold, or the ruse is over. People can still enter his office for all kinds of reasons. He can tell them correctly that it's his father in the picture. Bernard is programmed to ignore the discrepancies. So the deception is mostly for other people.

I think at that point the Bernard bot takes up smoking.

Pretty much. I doubt the programmers are gonna walk all the way downstairs to pick up a host when they can just have the peons bring them up.

To not let Delos or anyone know that he just whacked Theresa. Murder is still illegal. A Theresa host is very useful as a deep cover agent. She's a fly on the wall with some pretty high security clearance.

I'm guessing there's some complex If-Then programming going on. If he continues to not see the door in her presence then he'll expose himself as a host ( maybe even to himself as well ) so his brain allows him to see it. It's very moment to moment.

The less pessimistic scenario is Robo-Nannies for Interstellar exploration. The journeys could take thousands of years. They could send human embryos & immortal sentient robots to act as surrogate parents once they get there.

More & more I'm seeing them as Beavis & Butthead.