Jacob Singer

2. Good catch on the hosts logging sexual encounters. Charlotte fucked up pretty good right there, not sending him away after she was done.
5. It makes a lot of sense. The fact that there are no real pictures of Arnold anywhere on the premesis & even Delos doesn't know who he is makes it a stronger case.

You would've won approximately 1/50th of an Internet.

The hosts' memories may not be real but their feelings & aspirations are. In that regard they're on the same level as humans. What happens to a good human when their brain is severly damaged? They could lose a lot of who they are. No different from the hosts getting their personalities erased or getting

That was a picture of Ford's father. When Bernard didn't completely trip out when he realized he was lied to kind of raised a red flag.

It's the "Entering the park" theme.

Ford: "Don't get in my way."
Theresa: ( Gets in his way. Dies.)

It's a dark room & it's easy to miss a door if his flashlight's not pointing in the right direction. That line WAS meant for the audience but Theresa's non-reaction is totally plausible.

It raised my eyebrow as well. He was disturbingly still thruought that scene in the testing room.

Did you hear their conversation? They said something like "Okay let's hurry up & grab this host while the guests are still upstairs." There's a protocol.

Computer graphics in the future are indistinguishable from the real thing. Hell, they're almost that way now. Her name is Lauren. Which is an anagram of UNREAL.

He's the only thing stopping Delos from taking over the world with his technology. To paraphrase True Detective s1:
"They need bad guys like us. To keep the other bad guys from the door.".

I LOVE the moral ambiguity of this show. At first I'm looking at Delos's evil machinations with Clementine & the cold blooded way in which they use her & the techie host. Then I see the diabolical Ford/Bernard twist & the cold blooded murder of Theresa.

Happened all the time in ancient Rome. We can assume that in this show corporate culture at it's highest level has degenerated back into that.

I think every host is potentially dangerous. Clementine looked like an absolute killer.

I would think the Braves are programmed to miss guests & not take shots that are risky to them.

Every room is bugged.
Edit: Just remembered that all sexual encounters are logged. Charlotte really screwed up not sending Hector away when she talked to Theresa.

Maybe for about 5 minutes. She got her intelligence maxed out so she'll adapt.

That's the idea I lean toward. There can't be any pictures of Arnold laying around or the employees would know what's what.

I thought there was a decent chance of Bernard being a host or clone but I didn't expect it to get revealed so early & lead to Theresa's death. I'm still kind of numb from that. I also completely didn't see the ruthlessness of the Delos rep coming or Clementine's decommissioning. Lots of suprises here. I was

On a certain level they're Beavis & Butthead.