Jacob Singer

Toys R' Us: The Uprising. No, wait, that not it…

The Futureworld idea of replacing influential people with hosts just became a hell of a lot more likely tonight. The only thing blocking that right now is Ford.

It was the last Windows 10 update.

That sinking feeling when you know where it's going….

She goes off on Felix or some other tech in the Weeks Ahead preview.

The newest Delos theme park: Americaworld.

Delos' villainy could potentially be world ending. Who the hell knows what they want to do with host technology outside Westworld. To have these cognitively superior humanoids loosed on the world is scary as hell.

There is a shot in a Weeks Ahead preview that shows Dolores sitting down in front of an empty chair. My tentative take on that is that Bernard/Arnold is a pokemon-go construct only she can see.


I did sort of guess it but I'm a little sad to be right. Oh well, guess I'm rooting for yet another host.

It doesn't work on her anymore. Her memory has improved to the point that she remembers the last conversation she had with Felix before being sent back: "Now, where were we?" She remembers everything now.

Felix & Sylvester both want certain things that they believe a genius Maeve can help them get. Felix wants to become an expert coder & get a better job. Sylvester wants to run a pimping ( & maybe extortion ) ring. Neither are smart enough to pull that off by themselves. Maeve is their genie in a bottle now. Or

I have this little theory that some of their members are the guys that wanted to use Teddy as a guide in the first episode. They wanted to find the "demented shit" on the outskirts of the park. They looked like professional athletes of some kind.

Another problem with the show being a movie sequel is that Westworld was FOUNDED by Arnold & Ford. But they're nowhere to be seen in either of the movies. You cannot reasonably say they were hiding out, can you?

Repair it so it can gather dust in the basement for 30 years? That's a fine use of resources. If it's not merely a sight gag than what's it doing there? Shouldn't it be with the other decommissioned bots in Sub level 83? Even Old Bill is stored there. It didn't register in Bernard's sweep of the park either.

Good catch.

If the show is a continuation of the movie timeline then an intact gunslinger makes no sense at all. That particular robot got it's face burned off & was destroyed. The Yul Brynner statue was nothing more than a nod to the movie.

No problem, man.

For the most part violence to hosts has no stakes. But in certain cases? It's huge.

The oil refineries'll be the first thing to get nuked. We'll be chasing each other around in bicycles. Even the apocalypse will suck.