Jacob Singer

I wish the loop would end right here.

I agree about the guy playing Sylvester. His acting is just weirdly stilted. Reminds me of an acting class I took at community college. LOTS of people delivering lines like him,lol. People find out real fast if they're cut out for that line of work.

Today's trauma surgeon is tomorrow's fast food worker,lol.

In the 3rd episode the eyeball-making machine is labeled "Active Nano Particles". Once can assume that the rest of the body is made of nano particles of some kind. The white muscle tissues are inactive particles that activate once they absorb the blood analog.

There's an overnight period before Lawrence respawns in Pariah. It's easy to miss, but there's a conversation between William & Dolores at night.

One angle that most people have overlooked is that the two techies could be planning on using her super intellect to further their own goals.

Good catch. But it's a bit much to assume Maeve doesn't exist yet just because they're not always working together. It's still far too circumstantial & inconclusive to draw a conclusion at this time. We'll just have to wait and see.

She's a sitcom character.

I thought about that but there's just too many discrepancies. He described his father as a practical, rigid man who says things like "Be happy with your lot in life." Not the kind of guy that would go all-in on building a fantasy world with him.

She's in the video promo near the elevator. That counts as an appearance.

Duly noted, & my apologies.

I thought about that but there's just too many discrepancies. He described his father as a practical, rigid man who says things like "Be happy with your lot in life." Not the kind of guy that would go all-in on building a fantasy world with him.

Tailor-made molecules that are proprietary. And lots of protein.

Because obviously they don't think it'll get out of hand. We've seen hours of sci-fi entertainment. They've lived through DECADES of scientific marvels & so far there's been no robot revolution. Perhaps they believe that despite their faster processing on average, the smartest human is more than a match for the

It was only established that unscheduled movement in SUB BASEMENT 83 gets an alarm. And for good reason. They're supposed to be PARALYZED down there.

I'm a Sizemore when it comes to margaritas.

The ongoing theme during Maeve's scenes is like a cross between Blade Runner & Scarface.

She thinks she's in a sitcom.

Nah, he just hid behind a corner. Dr Lecter was always sneaky like that.