Jacob Singer

Okay, upon re-watch it looks like Sylvester is just not concerned with that at all. He really thinks it's not something that would ever get out of hand. He just can't connect the dots.

Sylvester is too dense to realize the thing she'd want to change the most would be her intelligence. When it happens he's too late to stop it. Felix has fallen in love with Maeve & Sylvester is too scared of getting his throat slit to stop him.

You are so busted when the control room sees Maeve stumbling around incoherently on the streets of Sweetwater.

In episode 3 Ford says to him "You've died at least a thousand times."

I just googled decellurization & that's a fascinating parallel for what they're doing. I noticed in the 3rd episode that the eyeball machine was labeled "Active Nano Particles". They must be fully "cellurized" with the blood analog.

I'm not familiar with IMDB's track record but so far with Westworld they've been accurate about the number of episodes the've been in. They've even named them. Dolores is in the Corporate highlight reel so I guess that still counts as an appearance.

Good catch. I thought the room looked vaguely familiar.

CSI Arby's doesn't hold a candle to CSI Wendy's.

So it's been CONFIRMED that the picture of Arnold that Ford showed Bernard is false. It's actually a picture of Ford's father, or robot imitation of him. And it's been confirmed that Bernard SHOULD know that Ford faked it. The only thing up in the air is how to interpret things:

It makes sense for the Union army to blockade Pariah since it's become a Confederate stronghold with a cache of nitro glycerine.

Hahaha, fuck HBO if they do that.

I bounce back & forth between Arnold being written into their code & him having uploaded himself into Westworld's "cloud". Although Bernard & Elsie seem to think he's still very much alive.

By making it human first.

She's penciled in for all 10 episodes. She's good.

True. That's probably why he was shitting a brick the whole time. He could probably say she was requested in some other part of the building if he could think fast enough.

They haven't. But that still doesn't confirm anything. Clementine & other hookers work the porch when no customers are inside. Maeve doesn't because she's the madam.

Doesn't matter how smart you are when your impulse control is stuck on 3. Elsie needs an adjustment.

I got the impression he was playing it off as getting ready to put her through her paces like all the other hosts Maeve saw. Presumably they all have to be walked to their testing rooms like her.