Jacob Singer

I'm calling it now. It's Stubbs that surprises her. Bernard sent him to rescue her from herself.

Awesome sculpt.

Despite his cartoonish disposition & his overall lurid style of writing, there's probably no one skilled enough to patch up all the holes from Ford's disruptive narrative on such short notice.

You are correct.

HA! A decommissioned Yul Brynner-bot gathering dust in the corner! Well played, Westworld.

Definitely,lol. I was about to edit that in.

When a real horse gets shot, it's dead. When a host horse gets shot you patch it up & send her back out there. With real horses you need a small army of them in waiting.

The Vice article is missing an important detail about the AI in Westworld. It's not silicon-based. It's been established in show as either partially or completely Wetware, which is ORGANIC. The article's dismal forecast for true AI is based on today's silicon based computers. They point out the difficulties of

You mean the AV Club staff? A few of them, for sure.

Interesting. There's gotta be an algorhythm somewhere to calculate the odds of customers stumbling onto "May you sleep in a deep & dreamless slumber", etc. At the very least the employees can't say any of that stuff within earshot of a guest.

The scene where she sees the technicians rolling the woodcutter's body down the hall & investigates it.

That's definitely a continuity error. Movies & shows have a ton of them.

There's a possibility that Arnold may have access to the cameras.

A lot of old ballparks have the old & new team logos in different parts of the park. Then there's the can of coke with Coca Cola on one side & COKE on the other.

If the dual timeframe theory is correct, it means that Dolores is basically retracing her steps from a loop 30 years ago. At some point they'll have to fill in all the missing narrative in a flashback resembling The Sixth Sense, where she's doing a bunch of things alone. They'll have to show her acquiring the nitro

Bruce Willis is a ghost.
The world is a simulation.
Julia Roberts is the same fucking character again.

That park never closes.

You can only enter the park with the clothing & gear provided in the staging area. I'm sure there's probably a scanner of some kind to detect any surgically implanted devices.

Jets are not an issue because the guests probably wouldn't care & the hosts are programmed not to notice. But there's probably a no-fly zone anyway. The robots are mostly organic so they probably just eat stuff inside their loops & the techies feed them intravenously when doing maintanence. Any electronic parts (

I took it as an analogy for what would happen to a host if they became self-aware & left the park.