Jacob Singer

That's true. Their could be multiples of every weapon laying around. Lots of bowie knives. I do think the MIB's pistol is a one of a kind that is provided to him by management. It's a very rare weapon in real life.

I think he's under the wrong impression. But even if there is a physical location I think it triggers a puzzle that only the hosts can solve in their brains.

Seems like you get it. An actual physical maze would be stupid on so many levels.

If it's an awakening it HAS to be through the "maze" of Arnold's programming. He designed the AI, after all. The Bicameral model of AI implies that the programming they hear as voices must eventually be replaced with their own voice. Arnold's voice commands are a necessary part of the process. The hallucinations

All guns, knives & exploding cigars are selected in the dressing room. I dunno, I kinda have a feeling the badass Bowie knife is a hot seller.

That's my take as well. An actual physical maze would be silly. What, a hosts' short-term memory & spatial awareness is supposed to define them as sentient beings? Plenty of human being can't remember where they fucking parked & they're still sentient. The maze has to be inside their heads.

I don't think so. The maze looks like a way for the hosts to be free of control from the programmers of the park. It looks more & more like a program that's buried deep in their memory & is only activated if someone like Bernard offers it to them. Or maybe they access it some other way.

M-W-F- White Hat
T-TH-Sat- Black Hat
Sun- Beer & Tacos.

I'm thinking it's a stealth AI project hiding in plain sight, with maybe some elements of the government involved.

I'm not totally ruling out multiple NPC's but there is a plausible path to Lawrence making it back to Pariah in time. The trains moved awfully fast in that short ep.2 shot with Ford underground.

Gotta crawl before you can fly. Maeve seemed pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

A host with a thoroughly destroyed brain is pretty much unserviceable. Also, the Woodcutter had a hidden transmitter which someone higher up wanted to cover up.

Yep. Gotta watch it the first time through with CC. Either that or neuter my sound settings so it sounds like an old black & white tv.

That's just tv storyline conceit. Similar to tv parking, where there's always a free space in front of the entrance.

The intro to WW reminds me a little bit of the opening to GITS 2 Innocence

That's the only episode of season 2 I kept in my DVR.

I like that there's a difference in how each of them deals with it. Dolores wants to be truly free & would most likely try & escape the park when she figures it out. Maeve just wants to dive headloong into a sensual nihilism. She wants to game the system to make her life more pleasurable. It's an interesting

He looks nothing like Ed Harris in the 80's.

Every host is superhumanly fast & skilled if required. Dolores seemed to kick into ace gunfighter mode despite only using a pistol once in the barn.

I get the impression they live in a post racial society but they've made some necessary concessions to the old west. You just have to have the cowboys & indian thing. And the Confederate/Union thing, too.