Jacob Singer

I think people are so invested in that theory because of Darth Vader Prequel Syndrome. William MUST become Darth Harris because OMG TRAGIC IRONY.

I had no problem following the narrative, so it wasn't convoluted to me. Your mileage may vary, of course. I'm having trouble interpreting your last sentence, though. He obviously hit on the right code in the end.

Every show is Walking Dead to him, then. He's like a tv set tuned to static.

Oh, right. Yeah there's probably heaters there. ;)

I think there's only one Lawrence. When he dies he gets respawned in Pariah. His loop is a few days long. If you get to Pariah & he's not there you just have to wait for him to either show up or die somewhere else & the technicians will re-insert him there.

So you're saying you want more ass shots?

Nope. William is just William & he's presently adventuring with Dolores & Lawrence. He does not become Ed Harris in 30 years. Not every nice guy has to become Darth Vader.

No. 30 years ago, according to Ed Harris, the hosts were literally robots. They were every bit like Old Bill. Besides, Lawrence got respawned in Pariah after the MIB killed him. And if Pariah was 30 yrs ago the hosts wouldn't bleed when shot.

A wall around Pariah so no one can see Mr Pussy Grabber at work.

My take is that it's either part of the Maze Program, or Arnold's code. Maybe once someone offers the Maze to a host, they solve it mostly internally but occasionally in their immediate surroundings like pokemon go or something. So it's a mix of internal & hallucinatory puzzles.

DAT ANALYSIS SESSION, THO. Poker face Delores. The Arnold code is strong in her.

That's my impression. He's trying to teach himself to program the hosts.

Asshole Partner made a cryptic comment about employees being screened "in the embryo".

Yup, playing possum.

It destroyed my objection that there's no way William could become a wealthy man in 30 years. But it sunk everything else that theory had going for it.

Well, the fact that the hosts punch the shit out of you, I'd say the difficulty level of that town is kinda high.

Unsatisfying comes to mind.

There's too much evidence against that. Episode 2 shows the eye being manufactured with a machine with an "Active Nano Particles" sticker on it. We've already seen the hosts in their assembly stage, having layers of muscle & ligaments added with a 3d printer arm.

When Clarence dies his "respawn" point is Pariah. You are spot on about the mechanical thing. If William is young Ed Harris then the hosts should have "a million little parts inside", not flesh & blood. And they should all move like Old Bill.

I thought it was more like he financially bailed out Westworld after it's near destruction.