Jacob Singer

Ah, nice little detail. Cool.

My money's on clone. But I wouldn't be surprised with host. And I also wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was just the showrunners fucking with us.

I think they still get charged with whatever degree of murder is appropriate. The difference is you can't sue Delos Corp:

Haha, Futureworld! Westworld's sequel I saw as a kid. Peter Fonda & Blythe Danner. It was an evil conspiracy to replace world leaders with robots.

Hector finally gets to die with his pants off.

I thought it was hilarious how the stilted dialogue in that scene is so obviously a product of Sizemore's bad writing.

It's trite because Hector's raid is ridiculous. It's B-movie cheese at it's cheesiest.

I think the writing is purposely ambiguous enough to keep the audience guessing.

LOL, it just occurred to me that at some point he could've massacred Hector's entire gang without bothering to find out their story. Seems like something he'd do in his early gaming years.

No, it's definitely her. It's in the IMDB credits. The tattoos on her face are the same. It's impossible to know if the body tattoo existed earlier because she was full clothed. Could be new. Or it could be an old tat that Ford just connected to the new narrative. He actually hasn't met Hector but he's known

Could be like this, but with a bigger budget:

Well, there is the theory that Bernard is a clone or host-version of Arnold with some of his memories uploaded into his brain. The scenes between Ford & Bernard ( & Theresa ) are ambiguous enough that it's easy to go tinfoil-hat with the show. It's just really ambiguous at this point. But I'm really enjoying it.

It was Rebus. He comes on to her earlier in the episode. He's part of the gang that always kills Dolores's parents.

It does seem sad to look that far in the future, but who knows. Maybe the struggle is to fool the technicians for as long as they can until they find an answer.

Hard to say, but the missing head of the snake was definitely penciled in as Wyatt. She could've been like Teddy before, with a vague backstory.

William married into Logan's family, which I think is part of the ownership group. He talked about increasing their stake in the company.

I'm not invested in the hosts fake mortality so much as their budding sentience. The unspoken risk/reward is whether they'll be snuffed out for real by management, or be able to live—-somehow & somewhere—-as thinking beings.

Yeah, I don't see how anyone wouldn't see the mystery from the start, either. Unless they multitasking while watching. Ed Harris' talk about a deeper game & Kissy's maze in the scalp is just a huge piece of WTF being plopped down in front of us.

The attendant already outed herself as a host in the dressing room. "All the hosts, including myself…" I meant the higher level employees, like Theresa & Bernard. Could be a red herring, though but I'm really enjoying the mystery.

Kind of like a loop being erased,lol.