Jacob Singer

With one fell swoop there's at least a couple of theories put to rest. But the employees as host idea is still ambiguously in play. I really like how the leaked memories of the technicians have been woven into the indigenous people's mythology. Hector knows the local religion. Seems like their propensity toward

I think the hosts are just programmed to ignore employees. But my problem is the location of the meetings. At first I thought it was all in Mariposa in that fake doctor's office, but your idea that it's all virtual seems like a possibility as well.

The show likes to mess with your sense of time. We really don't know if:
1. The first Dolores-Bernard conversation is after she runs away with the gun ( Is there an underground access point near that tree?)
2. She's run away before & Bernard suggested the Maze before the previous episode.

Holy fucking exposition dump. I'm gonna need some time to process things. Most compelling episode yet. And the funniest.

Overall it's like an RPG but that moment definitely had first person shooter written all over it.

If you can get to the Terms of Service page on the WEstworld site, it says the weapons & ammo use a proprietary technology that involves velocity. I'm guessing either the bullet or gun has a sensor & the bullet is programmed to use just enough charge for a host, guest or inanimate object.

Reminds me of the movie Pyramid. A woman finds out she's on a ship of the damned.
Edit: Whoops. I meant to say the movie Triangle.

Nah, not really. It's kind of subtle.

Oh, that's definitely a possibility. I was just wondering about the nuts & bolts of how he could pull that off.

It's a troll post. There's no specifics. It can be a scathing review about literally anything.

Honestly, that did not occur to me until recently. Could've been in the back of my head, though. It was more about Ford & Bernard talking about primitive religious thought. Then again maybe it's because Anthony Hopkins is in the show,lol.

So when one of the workers is coming up through an outhouse, do you think they say things like "You going up the poop chute again?"

The hosts can shove humans all day long. Maybe even strike them, within reason. I would think that brawling would be part of the classic Western experience, after all. But murder is a completely different animal, for now.

I can buy the theory that they hear programming as voices ( this is probably the early programming structure—-written over by Ford—-that's reasserting itself somehow) but I can't understand why they'd assign a name to those voices. Walter calls out the voice by name—-Arnold. Would Arnold really introduce himself

They talk about it but they never actually do it. Talk is cheap.

Hahaha….I screwed up.

No, I think he means "The Sky doesn't have windows so you can't prove or disprove they're on an enormous space ship."

Do tv people take shits? We never see them do it. Maybe they don't have assholes? Most tv shows don't even have toilets. Maybe tv people turn their shit into dramatic energy & yell at each other to burn if off. Maybe that's why tv is so dramatic.


Arnold is dead but there's a virtual copy of him whispering things into the heads of the hosts.