Jacob Singer

It's not. It's in Arizona.

But thank God it knocked the whole "Westworld is just like the Matrix & Holodeck" theory off the table. That one started getting on my nerves.

It is pointless. It's deception for the sake of deception. Wheeeee.

I don't know the consensus but I think it's a silly idea. Williams JUST interacted with a current prostitute Clementine. There's no way Clementine or any of the host bystanders are the same rubber-skinned transistor bots of the flashback

I believe that Arnold created a facsimile of his mind & personality & uploaded it into Westworld's mainframe. It/he remained there, hidden in code, upgrading itself & biding it's time until the hosts were advanced enough to hear & understand his voice.

It's pretty obvious when the show shoves it in your face. But picking them out of a crowd is a fool's errand. It turns out white hat-Black hat is really just a suggestion. Maybe even a dumb fashion choice.

I can see that. It could be the original lobby from 30 yrs ago before the "critical failure" that's been sealed off & repurposed as secure storage for hosts that are in danger of going rogue. They're kept alongside general livestock. I'm not sure but I think the old Westworld logo can be found there, too.

It's just really huge. Could be a large patch of Arizona/New Mexico that no one occupies. The guests are on foot or at the most on horseback getting sidetracked constantly while the technicians get shuttled around underground with sci-fi bullet trains. How fast are the fastest trains nowadays? 300 mph?

The work of the same set designer. Or in the Westworld universe, the same architect.

HIgh speed underground subways. The lights are just portable floodlights they carry with them.

Gotcha. I'm pretty sure there's just miles of subway tunnels & access points everywhere. Anthon…er…Mr Ford used one to get to that stretch of desert when he encountered his childhood-self bot.

There's a shot in a preview of a robot "chasis" on a table. There's servos & stuff deeper inside & lots of empty space which implies that the organs & flesh go on the outer layers.

Only the ones that have to get shot in an outhouse.

People come to Westworld to shoot people. No guts, no gore.

Yes, the hosts do outnumber the guests. Westworld isn't like Disneyland where you fill it to physical capacity. It's more like a very exclusive cruise, booked months in advance. They don't make profit off of volume. This is a park for the wealthy. The hosts continue on with their private narratives because it

That is a bummer. RIP and condolences to loved ones.

No, actually the technicians are looking at a large holographic image of the park.

Yeah, my impression is that Bernard has been pulling Dolores aside for a while now—-maybe even before the series started? When they play conversations over different scenes I think that's to indicate that they can happen at any time of the day. It's a little confusing. But Dolores is DEFINITELY lying to Bernard

Dolores interacted with William at the end. And it's very likely the current Dolores. Look at her facial expression while with William. Look at her eyes. Not at all like the stock expressions of earlier. It might be love at first sight. This is post-viral update Dolores, not the
( presumably) more robotic, basic

More observations, which some have probably noticed: