Jacob Singer

The Help has to eat, too. Just sayin'.

For now, the closing shot must remain….(puts on shades)……Unsullied.

Logically she would've been told by Sansa that she'll either be at Castle Black or the Camp (shown on a map) or witnessing the battle at Winterfell. There's no way she'll say "Just randomly guess where I am when you're done".

The Mountain answers to Cersei or Qyburn. She could easily kill Qyburn, wear his face & get the Mountain to go off on some meaningless task. RIP Cersei.

To fuck with Stannis, wherever he is.

But she'll live to fuck again, so it's all good.

The sins of the father….

Where else would Brienne go to, if not back to Sansa? Her mission was to recruit the Blackfish. Failing that, I'd think her next move would be to return to Sansa, since she swore to defend her with her very life.

Happy fishing then. Sigh….

The kid just happened to be frantically running away the moment they leave the Sept. He then turns around & looks at them. A random street urchin would've done exactly ZIP in that situation, unless they were up to something.

I'm not entirely sure, actually.

And yet Brienne & Podrick still haven't made it back from Riverrun!

Bullet dodged for now. He was definitely in the killzone.

Was he lured? I thought he got suspicious of the kid, followed him & got knifed. Then he just crawled in the direction of a burning smell.

She should just randomly launch shadow babies at everyone.

I think at this point he needs Melisandre.

I thought Bran's vision of the Mad King pretty much summed up what he's gonna do to his staff when he loses.

In the long run, YES Fuck Cersei. But for now, that was some fucking badass Michael Corleone shit. I'm guessing Lyanna said something like: "He cannot be a Targaryen. He has to be a Snow. He has to be YOURS. And….as far as his name…I'm kinda partial to…..urgghh……." Croaks.

Only the palace or Sept have ravens. If you're a lowly shop owner you have to send couriers. Besides, the only people who would've messaged Jaime are the military & they're controlled by Cersei.

That's probably how she'll die & it's fittingly tragic for Jaime. He killed the Mad King & now he kills the Queen of Madness.