Jacob Singer

Could it be possible that Stannis's corpse was one of the burning flayed bodies on the battlefield? Mel originally told Stannis that she saw him at Winterfell on a throne with a "crown of fire". Now, it's been tentatively established that her visions are not literal but distorted & highly symbolic. She saw a LOT of

Jon could've taken one of the ballistas from the wall. That's like a big crowbow for a giant.

And they're both saying bye-bye to someone….

Yep. That's kind of her ace in the hole that so many people want him dead. Hell, even the commander of his army would prolly look the other way if LF got into a freak accident.

Yeah, the first one with white hair got a ballista bolt through the chest. Then the King ( last of his bloodline, according to Mance )died in the tunnel. There was a giant in Mance's camp, but I'm not sure who that was.
I'm just wondering if Wun Wun still had a tribe beyond the wall. And what happens when they

There's only one giant among the Wildlings & it's obvious there's a budget issue, but has anyone come up with a plausible explanation in the show universe? Was Wun Wun truly the last of his kind? Is it different in the books? I'll take my answer off the air.

Well, maybe a single year or months, then. Still makes for boring television. Episode 9 becomes Battle of the Recliners.


The showrunners have chosen to err on the side of the visceral rather than the cerebral. Without Jon & Rickon's initial clown show, you don't get the viscerally brilliant shot of the two cavalry units obliterating themselves in front of Jon. Without Tyrion's colossal blunder, you don't get the Dragon fireworks in

He's Kenny from Southpark. He had one job, which he actually pulled off. To draw Jon out into the open so the show could set up that glorious shot of the two cavalry units obliterating themselves in front of him.

Too easy. But yeah, there are so many characters that could've been knocked off by now if only everyone was buddies with a Red Priestess.
It would be Game of Vaginas.

It was 100% natural selection. He was literally too dumb to live. He would've made a terrible Stark patriarch.

The person who he's based on——William Halstead—-remained an addict until he died of natural causes in his old age. As the veins collapse, others will return & he'll just keep rotating them indefinitely.

Here's my take on her change of heart:

Why you I oughtta——-!!!!!