TulsaMtnBiker (OkieRising)

Pretty much how my asshole would look slammed shut during this.

I know a lot of people decry the GT-R as too clinical, but I think thinks like this show it really couldn’t be any farther from the truth. It really is a master work from start to finish, a finely honed mix of science and craftsmanship that you just don’t see in most things. It’s an odd parallel away from typical

This is 479th consecutive Futurama meme I’ve starred.

Oh no! But I don’t even have a truck!

Eww you are right, kill it with fire. Or just pay your dealer $599 for the “emblem delete package”.

what happened to trucks that aren’t so front heavy? Why do they need to be 80% bumper grill and headlights by mass?

You can always tell spot the ugly ass american spec ZX from miles away. Here’s the real Fairlady Z.

Damn you.

Steve Lehto’s next Jalopnik article for next week is......

Like this? Oh how I wish this were real.

brb, off to the print/framing store.

That's good enough for me.

but it can buy you a very nice McLaren

The Hunt for Green Cucumber

I wonder if he was thinking of the SC300?