
Fuck that with a bat. Just a whole barrel of nope.

It’s just as likely that she was being bullied by another girl. Can’t say I’ve met anybody from Texas who wasn’t a little off or xenophobic.

Have you ever had interaction with alcoholics? 2-3 a day doesn’t even get you drunk and is a long way from getting you addicted physically (which is alcoholism). While both my grandfathers had the equivalent of a bottle of brandy in their system by noon... THAT is alcoholism

2-3 standard drinks/day would probably up your tolerance, but I don’t think you’d develop any chemical dependence, i.e., no significant withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly went cold turkey. This is based on my varied drinking habits in high school (none), college (a lot early, less later), and now (0-20/week depending

The “1 to 10" scale is so worthless. I used to kid about this with my daughter when we went to the doctor. “The worst pain I can imagine? How about being on fire and having needles shot at me simultaneously?” Scaling whatever pain I have is bound to come out as 1 to 2, at best.

2-3 a day? You clearly don’t know any real alcoholics. 2-3 wouldn’t even get a real alcoholic a buzz.

It’s certainly possible, but someone prone to alcoholism isn’t going to be limited to just 2-3 drinks/day for long, so I think your characterization of “firmly into alcoholism territory” overstates things.

Alcoholism is more about one’s relationship with the substance than a particular unit of measure, but to the extent consumption is an indicator . . . 2-3 drinks per day isn’t even close to what a “normal” alcoholic is consuming.

Here’s a dumb lie:

Matt Lauer belongs in one place on TV- in between segments on the weather in your neighborhood and a live performance from Toby Keith. And he barely belongs there.

Don’t believe their excuse about a kid. The fact is that they dropped it. They dropped it.

Not true. The Tisket Tasket Company is in negotiations on that property as we speak. They were planning to deliver a Letter of Intent to purchase the building, but they dropped it and some fucking kid stole it.

I’m horrified to learn how many of you sad bastards visit Buffalo Wild Wings often enough to have a nickname for it.

Tim Burke is a fine upstanding gentleman and is correct.

I now know the sound of someone who thinks they’re falling to their death...so there’s that.

What claim do the Steelers have on the generic phrase here we go?

...decided to do a bit of creative trespassing...

He deserved all of the fear and horror that flashed across that last second before he hit the water. All. Of. It. If he’s lucky, he will remember it just before he does another stupid thing.

Some of these hashtags sound like they came from the over-caffeinated minds of professional corpspeakers during a mandatory team-building retreat.

So you don’t look down once before jumping?! Looked like he was hurrying before someone came :S