
I guess it’s TRENDA to COSTA-long in your job by creating unnecessary outrage in a world where there is plenty of real racism.

they don’t use G1 designs

We’re saying that the movie Transformers are all Nickleback songs.

Turning and turning in the widening gyro

r.i.p. ms. cleo

Probably lost another hand somewhere.

This is EXACTLY what I thought of. But I can’t find a clip of the garage scene anywhere on the internet to back me up!

Like a Tusken Raider.

Ah, I didn’t even know that Mike Flanagan had a new movie out! I really, really enjoyed Absentia and Oculus.

I don’t understand the Harambe meme at ALL. What’s the SJW angle on it?

I have been in the greys for about 2 years. I barely feel the urge to comment at all any more.

I’ve only been running for about a year and a half. At the time I started, I was counting calories too, but I gave up because doing both were too much for me. I’ve started making gradual calorie reduction choices as I ramped up the running over time. transitioning from cream and sugar to just cream to black coffee

And I thought we were done with pillaging the ideas of yesteryear!

Taylor hate:Jezebel::Kardashian hate:my boring aunt on facebook

Nazi gold train! Nazi gold train! Yeah, yeah...
Show ‘em how we do it now!

ETA: Should have just gone with:

People all over the world
Join hands
Nazi gold train, gold train

I really love this show but the day-in day-out barrage of goddamn cutesy crossover mash-up bullshit on my social media feeds is threatening to do me in.

IT was good for a TV miniseries. Not good for a movie and nothing even approaching the book.

No more reboots! And no more goddamn clowns!

Now playing

He looks like Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. If IT starts Futterwacken, I’m throwing myself in the Penobscot.

When I was house-shopping with my parents as a kid, we checked out one house that had a hot tub smack dab in the middle of their living room. It was not a particularly upscale house either, although the living room was spacious. Anyway, the kitchen’s got that beat, I guess. Barf.