
Absentia was super weird/good! Did you see that he’s doing the I Know What You Did Last Summer reboot? Kind of on the fence about that one, but maybe it’ll be good?

It’s common, but not in the way it appears or is used as a plot device in horror (and other genre) movies. It’s not some diabolical stranger in most cases. It’s not some evil other doing it. It’d be more likely that Alex or Money would rape or attempt to rape Rocky than The Blind Man.

I love horror/thriller movies. They are my favorite genre. But, like many women, I’ve been sexually assaulted. It’s hard to find a good horror movie that does not involve the sexual assault of a woman. I’m not sure why; it’s such a lazy ass trope that is used entirely too often.

Aaaaaand the coffee mug on his desk is a pill bottle.

What a beautifully horrible movie that was. :)

But it needs to have a place for the hero to sit when it gains sentience, and helps the hero go save the girl...

This Harambe joke was really stretched.. This meme must end.. 99% of jokes not even remotely funny, just relevant

Am I the only one that doesn't see what's funny about the Harambe meme? Not from a SJW angle, it's just... not funny.

That was the most dangerous move possible, especially at a blind corner. He should have followed the marshal’s point instead of taking off on his own. And before anyone else asks, yes, I am a corner marshal, and yes I have discussed it with some of the workers who were at the race.

Sounds like he really hit a wall.

Her family should sue him for wrongful death

Yeah, you don’t offer bail or an ankle braclet to a violent domestic abuser who was caught armed after kidnapping and torturing his wife...especially when they lives six miles from one another (says so in source). This judge fucked up royally and it cost this woman her life.

Batman played the Anthem

“We’re losing our gun rights, our free speech. We’re taxed to death. We’re losing our jobs and businesses to unfair trade. We’re losing our country.

according to the metadata on that photo, it was taken on a wednesday.

While OPs nastinessis excessive, you’re finding out how large the “Loves Deadspin, hates Gawker” crowd is. You’ve been posting about politics, but the editorial voice was different, and better, IMO (and obviously others’ too).

I always hate to do the “why haven’t you left yet” because every situation is different, there’s a lot we don’t know, and different people just have different tolerances for what they can accept. Nevertheless, it shows an astonishing level of disrespect to sext someone with your and your wife’s child in bed next to

Or, she’s a normal human in a normal relationship, and she’s reached her “fuck it” point. We all know people, or have been people, who have stayed in relationships FAR beyond what, in retrospect, would have been the smart, right time to leave. Few make the decision to marry and really think “well, if it gets weird,

I put my money on the kid being the reason.

I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.