
Can you just rename The Concourse “ReGawk” and be done with it? I mean, I genuinely enjoy in-depth stories that have little or nothing to do with sports, scathing social commentaries, and brutal political takedowns. But this tabloid shit... Did Deadspin draw the short straw?

Atheists and secular people have morals, too. Most of the time that’s considered a good thing (don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t lie, etc.). But atheists and secular people are just as capable of using their beliefs and preconceptions to make other people uncomfortable as fundamentalists are. It’s a human thing, not just

I was at the beach a couple of weeks ago and there were four ladies in burkinis having a fantastic time and my partner and I both commented that it was really nice to see people able to comfortably enjoy the beach on their own terms. I cannot imagine what kind of idiot would see that and think, “nope. Brown people

the “what the fuck is wrong with you” is pretty implicit in the ruling and i am here for it

We’re never done with that, sadly.

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.

I have the same gait when I have to poop.

That’s certainly one way to keep the pack a safe distance behind you.

You use “giant piece of shit” and “rightfully” like they are completely objective terms, which is exactly the problem I was highlighting. If Amy Schumer, or any other celebrity that our side of the political spectrum thinks we own, has an opinion that appears to be going against the official Liberal Orthodoxy of the

Why should she answer to you or to anyone for something that has nothing to do with her? You THINK it has something to do with her-you WANT it to have something to do with her-but the only guilt she has is having worked and been friends with somebody who did do something wrong. That doesn’t make her guilty. I’m sure

This is getting very House Un-American Activities Committee. You can’t employ someone who says something we disagree with. You can’t be friends with someone who says something we disagree with. You can’t love someone who says something we disagree with. You have to public denounce someone who says something we

That would be because he IS her friend, and because he’s a talented comedy writer in her opinion. Once again, Amy gets burned for not behaving with enough ideological purity to suit some people. Any time her opinion is ANY different from the consensus of the Jezebel/Salon/Uproxx crowd, she gets skewered.

Yeah, I’m getting tired of these Purity Tests leading to binary judgments on who is or isn’t okay to like and enjoy. But I’m old, so I accept that I’m out of the loop on this. I like Amy. I will continue to like Amy, even if her friends are dickbags that she doesn’t immediately set fire to in a public setting.

She’s also a regular person with regular feelings that are complicated.

He’s gross when he's trashed on drugs and or alcohol I'm am perfectly willing to accept that when he's straight he's a nice charming guy.

He has always been gross, IMO. Also, your comment made me laugh aloud.

My guess is he's always been gross but people are more inclined to agree now his looks have faded.

Has Johnny Depp always been gross, but we just didn’t notice, or did he become gross recently? Gross.

Another one is understanding how much it takes to burn calories compared to ingesting them.