+1 Ollie
+1 Ollie
Thank God I was trapped in Nationwide Arena for over 4 hours last night with their crappy WiFi and therefore could not watch CNBC.
What I don’t understand is why the NHL would think their audience is right for an ad defending a bumbling grifter of a chief executive.
Tall, strong arm. Not a fan of Mo Lewis hits. Ring a bell?
Where do you stand on Jamie Moyer and Julio Franco? Moyer had none of the fun parts of Big Bart (aka he wasn’t fat), but Julio Franco was a good old guy.
I’m sorry that baseball doesn’t have enough jingling car keys in front of your face for you.
I think about death too much these days, for various reasons. Plus, my life is statistically more than half over at age almost 47.
+1 (low-hanging) fruit basket.
Well, flying to the British Virgin Islands is expensive.
A simple but elegant post. You win the interwebs.
It’s well known in the clubhouse that Jeter is sabotaging the team in hopes of moving them to Miami.
This man has gone mad from syphilis.
Well at least Miami can expect a nice gift basket.
Are you sure it isn’t a show about a house full of Geordi La Forge impersonators? Because I’d definitely watch that.
Well, reading this, one can infer that....well. That doesn’t work. Ok, so, the Internet is some crazy melting pot and time is circular and shit comes back around....ah....familiarity breeds contempt and pop is eating iself or something.......fuck. I got nothing, and I can’t help it. So, I just gotta say,
King Laetes: I was going to feed you to the Hydra, the seven-headed dragon.. but looking at you, I have a better idea. You are said to be the strongest man to ever live. I will spare your life, if you can pass a test of strength!
Hercules: Must I pass this test of strength right away?
King Laetes: What do you mean?
I look forward to his apology press conference.
The nearest orthopedist.
Your halftime entertainment is a CPU vs CPU simulation of tonight’s Titans-Patriots game in Tecmo Super Bowl, and…
Star Trek: The Search for Feet